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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Obama discovers second side of mouth, uses both, on Kwame Kilpatrick scandal

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Fri Aug 15, 2008 at 06:52:11 AM EST
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    This is what the Democratic Party has been reduced to in Michigan these days.  Their Representatives in the United States Congress are enjoying a five-week paid vacation while their constituents struggle to buy groceries and gas for the minivan.  Their Representatives in the Michigan House of Representatives are enjoying a ten-week paid vacation while their constituents... well... ditto the Congressional constituents.  And yesterday, thanks to a judicial ruling that left everyone and their mom (but not Kwame's mom) scratching their heads it looked like Kwame Kilpatrick was free of tether and travel restrictions and on his way to Denver to cast his super-delegate vote for his "good friend," Barack Obama.

    That move officially made Michigan the State sending "that guy."  The guy who threatens, by weight of controversy and his good friend's intransigence and unwillingness to create distance, to cast a pall on the pomp and circumstance while soaking up columns and columns of print in local and national newspapers, covering his scandal plagued journey to Invesco Field at Mile High.  

    Read on...

    According to the Ivory Tower:

    Democrats wary of the criminal charges and multiple efforts to remove Kilpatrick from office hope Denver is the last place on Earth the mayor will be from Aug. 24 to 28.

    "They want Kwame to just go on his vacation and stay there," said Ed Sarpolus, a political analyst. "The press is going to be following him around the whole time. He'll create more disruption than any benefit there might be from having him there."

    The Obama campaign has been exceedingly careful in its comments about Kilpatrick and his legal travails. Last week, when the mayor was charged with two felonies in connection with an altercation with a Wayne County sheriff's deputy and a process server, Obama's campaign said the legal process would resolve the issue appropriately.

    Team-Obama's reaction to yesterday's news is very telling.  The One has been accused of megalomania more than Paris Hilton's had hot meals and this line of thinking won't do much to put those labels to bed.  

    Last week, when Kwame Kilpatrick found himself indicted on two additional felony counts, brining the staggering total to TEN, the Obama camp refused to ask their super-delegate and fundraiser to resign.  Refused to toss him under the giant campaign bus that's claimed so many other Obama friends and associates.  Kwame's only hurting Detroit, right?  Only hurting Michigan.  No need to do the right thing if it creates a schism between friends.  

    Notice how the tune changed yesterday... the Associated Press reports:

    "The focus of our convention ... should be on Barack Obama and how the party intends to get America back on track, not (on) a distraction involving the troubles of one individual," (Obama spokesman) Brent Colburn said.

    Barack!  Listen to yourself.  What's more important, your TV coronation, technically only a formality, or the future and recovery of the largest city in the State of Michigan?  A city and a state with such a high level of unemployment, over such a long period of time, that many hurting families have long since run through months worth of unemployment benefits.  Take Brent Colburn's words and sub out convention talk for Detroit talk.  

    Try it like this:

    "The focus of Michigan... should be on healing Detroit and how the city intends to get back on track, not (on) a distraction involving the troubles of one individual."

    But Obama won't say that.  He's OK letting Detroit burn (figuratively... at minimum) but threaten to mess up his prime-time TV coverage and his campaign starts issuing formal statements?  Is that really the change we need?  Give me a freaking break!

    < Hoekstra hits the trail for Casperson | Friday in the Sphere, August 15 >

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    Article on (none / 0) (#1)
    by apackof2 on Fri Aug 15, 2008 at 11:11:26 AM EST
    Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Leonard Townsend in Detroit metro times 2/19/03

    Appears the judge is a "maverick" and doesn't cotton when the Michigan Court of Appeals
    sends cases back to him for proper sentencing


    'political analyst' what a crock. (none / 0) (#3)
    by EducationActionGroupdotOrg on Fri Aug 15, 2008 at 02:10:41 PM EST
    Would any other Lansing lobbyist, other than Ed Sarpolus, have the luxury of being called a 'political analyst'?

    The guy is a lobbyist for the MEA and the last thing he wants is a less-than-stellar convention for Barack Obama.

    Kathleen Grey fell down on the job with that title.

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