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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Sarah Palin has officially arrived (and Michigan helped)

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Thu Sep 04, 2008 at 12:12:35 AM EST
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    Sarah Palin.  That's all anyone was thinking about.  That's all everyone was talking about.  The Republican Party's choice to become the next Vice President of the United States of America was expected to steal the show this evening and did she ever.  Rumor has it an APB went out over the police radios shortly after she concluded her speech, calling all cars to look for an Alaskan woman who may or may not have been carrying a hunting rifle.

    If Barack Obama and his friends in the media and the liberal blogosphere thought they were going to be able to walk all over this particular governor, they received a wake up call tonight.  In the form of a swift political punch to the throat.

    They can continue to attack the woman because, well, she's a woman, but she doesn't have to take it.

    But I'll get back to one of my new political heroes in a moment...

    Before she took the stage we heard from a handful of former Republican Presidential candidates.  Mike Huckabee, Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney each spoke with the Michigan delegation going particularly crazy over the former governor from Massachusetts.  The men were playing offense and Romney led the way discussing tax policy and the war on terror.  

    Mike Huckabee had the best line of the early speeches when he asserted:

    "I am so tired of hearing that Sarah Palin is not experienced enough... Sarah Palin received more votes running for Mayor of Wasilla than Joe Biden got running for President."

    Anyone who thought Fred Thompson was tough last night got a quick lesson in real red meat tonight.  There are a million and three differences between John McCain and Barack Obama and these men filled us in on many of them.  

    Good stuff.  But strictly under-card.

    It'll be interesting to see the Nielson ratings tomorrow morning.  Looking at the way the convention played on Tuesday night there was some thought that Palin's speech could be the single most watched convention speech in political history.  I'm doubting it drew as many viewers as Barack Obama's speech last week (after all, she's our VP nominee, he could be the next leader of the free world) but if it even came close...

    This speech... the entire moment... was electric.  Positively electric.  

    There was plenty of discussion before hand about what sort of content the speech would offer.  The answers earn her a straight A.  Would she talk about the unrelenting sexism of a liberal media?  Nope.  Dignify hate-filled bloggers with a response?  Nope.  Shy away from her experience as mayor of a small town?  Heck no.

    Like she said... "Being the mayor of a small town is sort of like being a community organizer.  Except with actual responsibilities."

    Sweet local moment when Palin mentioned that she was a "hockey mom."  The Michigan delegation, anticipating the reference, all dressed in Red Wings style convention hockey jerseys (courtesy of Attorney General Mike Cox).  Hearing the phrase from their position almost immediately in front of the podium they burst into a chant of "ho-ckey-mom, ho-ckey-mom!"

    Palin paused, smiled, looked at them and went off-prompter.  "Do you know what the difference is between a hockey mom and a pit bull?  Lip stick."

    The entire place went up and a message was delivered.  That one, simple, off-the-cuff remark seemed the verbal equivalent of a woman rolling up her sleeves, warming up the back of her hand and cocking it over her head.  The thumping was about to commence.

    In the best tradition of VP nomination speeches she spent the bulk of her time talking about her running mate and carving up her opponent... and I'm not talking about Joe Biden.  Listening to Palin light into the Democrats POTUS nominee I walked away with the distinct impression that this is not a fair fight.  Our number two isn't just a match for their number one... she blows him out of the water.

    "What it really signified was her strength," said metro Detroit Ed Haroutunian.  "She did it with much skill and much grace... I think truly this is going to be a historic election."

    Haroutunian watched the speech live from the Xcel Energy Center and was rarely off his feet during the next Vice President's presentation.  He didn't sit down, either, as Palin was joined on-stage by her entire family.  She gave each a kiss, grabbed a hold of baby Trigg and welcomed, amidst thunderous applause, a surprise guest to the stage.

    "For John McCain to come out and join Sarah Palin was just fantastic.  I think that kind of thing shows a tremendous amount of support for the Vice Presidential choice and I'll tell you... what's said many times is that the vice presidential choice is the first decision that any candidate for President of the United States has to make.  And I'll tell you, he has made an outstanding choice."

    < Liberal Feminism Has Created Superwoman | YELLOW: Obama calls on Kwame to resign... AFTER news of resignation >

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    I'm in love... (none / 0) (#1)
    by Chazwald on Thu Sep 04, 2008 at 12:22:44 AM EST
    ...with Sarah Palin! She didn't throw red meat on stage tonight, she slaughtered a cow!

    Tonight (none / 0) (#2)
    by NoviDemocrat on Thu Sep 04, 2008 at 01:21:00 AM EST
    We saw proof that the nutjob wing of the Republicon party has official taken control of the McCain campaign. The straight talker sold his soul to get elected President and his reward is Sarah Palin. Can't wait to see how she goes over with Republican and moderate Democrats who don't believe that Roe v. Wade should be overturned, who don't think that banning books from the local library is a good thing, who don't want their kids taught creationism, who don't think abusing the powers as a Governor is to be commended, etc. That's what Sarah Palin brings to the McCain ticket, a woman who will drive away the middle of the electorate.

    Sarah Palin (5.00 / 0) (#4)
    by tenex22 on Thu Sep 04, 2008 at 08:36:10 AM EST
    Proved last night that Obama is overmatched. It will be fun to watch as the empty suit deflates.

    Oh, look, statements backed up (none / 0) (#6)
    by Nick on Thu Sep 04, 2008 at 08:53:25 AM EST
    with links to the direct source!


    Novelty item I know but I encourage all of you (and some of you in particular) to try it.

    Liberals (none / 0) (#7)
    by apackof2 on Thu Sep 04, 2008 at 09:28:05 AM EST

    be afraid,be very afraid. The self-proclaimed, "pitbull with lipstick" connected perfectly with small town America and working moms while at the same time dismanteling Barry with humor.
    Add her obvious appeal to conservatives, over $12 million contributed to the campaign since McCain announced her as his VP pick

    Makes Sarah Palin the perfect VP pick

    Look for her to mop up the floor with Biden while smiling and maintaining her confident femininity

    Pant suites are a thing of the past, thank goodness!

    Pro-Life, Pro-Family,    
    2nd Amendment, Supporting our troops & their mission,
    Always Proud of our country, American conservative women...

    Nuts! (none / 0) (#11)
    by Rougman on Thu Sep 04, 2008 at 10:02:41 AM EST
    Dang it!  I ain't had me a good book burning in a long while.

    Nick, we have got to save up and buy us a better troll.  

    Again (none / 0) (#13)
    by tenex22 on Thu Sep 04, 2008 at 10:19:03 AM EST
    If the MSM would quit giving this guy a pass on everything..

    Nice to see (none / 0) (#14)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Sep 04, 2008 at 12:21:44 PM EST
    Nice to see that Governor Palin's husband has a real job and is a "real" person. No fancy office, no staff, no wasting of millions of the tax payers hard earned dollars.
    I guess our Governor missed the things that make for success.As she clings to the failed policies of Socialism and continues to find ways to pick the pockets of the citizens and award the spoils to her, her family and her croanies, Michigan sinks further into the depths of depression as the state continues to hemorrhage jobs and residents. The Democrat brand should be completely discredited by now with the voters.Yet we know that the Socialists in the unions and the dependent class will again turn out to support those that sign their meal tickets. It is time to make sure that Michigan becomes a very Red State and stays that way. Several reasons would suggest that.
    Jenny No Jobs, Mayor Thugmaster K, Andy "John" Dillion-ger, Monica the Mouth Conyers, Carl Lenin. I guess there are more but the idea is adequately conveyed.

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