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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.


    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Wed May 07, 2008 at 10:59:01 AM EST
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    There's a lot of speculation this morning that the race for the Democrat nomination for the Presidency ended last night somewhere on a back road in North Carolina.  Barack Obama delivered a WWE sized butt-kicking to Hill-Rod there in the squared (or in NC's case, rectangular) circle of primary politics.  

    It looks like Clinton has canceled her appearances today and is in closed door talks about what might come next.  And as much as I hope she sticks around and forces a bloody, pitched battle at the convention this summer, there'd be a certain undeniably bitter-sweet irony to a signed, sealed and delivered Barack Obama nomination on May 7, 2008.

    That's because today, sadly, we commemorate the three-hundredth consecutive day here in Michigan without a single visit, fundraiser, campaign stop or acknowledged fly-over from Illinois own Barack Hussein Obama.

    Hopefully you've had a chance to check out the film "300."  Or, better yet, read the Frank Miller comic book that inspired it.  Not that he gets all the credit... the battle of Thermopylae is rooted in history, after all.  It's the story of a brave group of warriors who battled against impossible odds to hold off an overwhelming enemy, allowing others behind the lines time to organize and mount a successful defense in future battles.  Like the Alamo except with swords.

    Now don't get me wrong... Hillary Clinton is no Spartan warrior.  But God bless her for occupying the invading liberal horde as long as she has.  300 days here in Michigan her squabble with Obama has kept him AWOL.  300 days she's kept him at bay.  300 days for Michigan to slide from a solid blue state to more of a magenta prospect.

    300 days!

    A long time without a visit... not that Barack hasn't stayed kiiiind of busy here in Michigan politics.  After all, in that time he's done all of the following...

  • He took his own name off the ballot.

  • He killed the idea of a re-vote that would have ensured that millions of Michigan voters were heard at the ballot box.

  • He spent nearly $200 million nationwide and managed, through some Herculean effort to avoid dropping a single dime here.

  • And just last week Obama scuttled several proposals from prominent Michigan Democrats hoping to get our State's delegates seated in Denver.

    Oh, and because there isn't enough irony associated with the number of days and the potential end of the Clinton candidacy... the reinforcements have arrived.  We've got no way of knowing how soon Obama might visit the Wolverine State.  But we know that John McCain is here this morning delivering a speech and attending an open forum down in Oakland County.  

    Go ahead and read on to check out the text of his speech...

  • < Wednesday in the Sphere, May 7 | Getting out of Dodge >

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    Obama (none / 0) (#1)
    by tenex22 on Wed May 07, 2008 at 03:13:26 PM EST
    Should be run out of the state on a rail if and when he does show up. He has shown absolutly no respect for the people of Michigan, they should return the favor. Golden Rule ring a bell?

    Ist time comment (none / 0) (#2)
    by live dangerously on Wed May 07, 2008 at 05:13:30 PM EST
    Just stopped to say nice job on tying in the 300 title and the article.  Nice writing. Keep up the good job.
    Regards, Live Dangerously

    Disenfranchisement (none / 0) (#3)
    by Beerme on Wed May 07, 2008 at 05:53:32 PM EST
    The sublime irony of Obama's support of a disenfranchisement of Michigan and Florida's Democrat voters is almost worth having him on the ballot next November!

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