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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    MIRS and MSNBC Reporting: Obama Supporters Kill Re-Vote!

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Tue Mar 18, 2008 at 01:09:50 PM EST
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    Looks like Barack Obama couldn't let one more chance to flip Michigna the bird pass him by.  MSNBC and MIRS are reporting that after a closed-door Senate Democrat caucus huddle the idea of a Michigan Democrat Primary re-vote is "all but dead."

    "The votes aren't there to do it," said Sen. Buzz THOMAS (D-Detroit), the co-chair of the Barack OBAMA campaign in Michigan.

    The Clinton people need a re-vote desperately.  Majority Leader Bishop has indicated through his spokesman that the GOP caucus would line up to do whatever was needed.  All that was left was for the Barackstar to sign off via his Michigan legislators.  But no dice.

    As much as it bothers me that the Democrats' likely Presidential nominee again scuttled an opportunity for Michigan voters' voices to be heard I can't say it doesn't make perfect sense.

    I've said it before, the man needs to run out the clock.  He has zero incentive to give Clinton any chance to catch him or to gain even the slightest extra momentum heading into a floor fight at the convention in Denver.

    It's just too bad that that floor fight will happen without any input from Michigan voters in any way shape or form.

    Then again, when you figure that Obama and Clinton still refuse to step foot inside the State like they're afraid they'll catch an airborne disease or something this really seems like a pretty minor "offense."

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    HELP-I don't understand/any ideas/suggestions (none / 0) (#1)
    by maidintheus on Sun Mar 23, 2008 at 04:39:11 PM EST
    I can understand not having a re-vote.

    I do not understand why the DNC doesn't do something to make sure that delegates from all states are included.

    I especially don't understand why they're not talking about this because if they don't they will leave many of their in potential voters disgusted.  They still have time for this though the time for re-vote manipulations has past.


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