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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    7th District Democrat Challenging Mark Schauer (and His Petitions)

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Wed May 21, 2008 at 07:09:03 AM EST
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    Last cycle I was blessed with the opportunity to attend a Farm Bureau Congressional candidate interview session down in Hillsdale County.  Tim Walber was there, Joe Schwarz and a couple of Democrats.  The one woman in the field waited her turn then took the microphone and discussed her position on various ag issues before fielding questions.  

    Hillsdale County's about as conservative as they come so it was no surprise when one of the farmers asked the candidate where she stood on the life issue.  She responded that she was, in fact, pro-life.  Sort of took everyone aback because it just wasn't what any of us expected her to say.  That was nothing compared to what came next as she unpacked her position.  

    She was pro-life, she explained, because all life from "the creator" was precious.  Grass and trees and weeds and even the smallest seeds have life that is every bit as valuable as a human child and none of it should be snuffed out.  I mean, who are we to destroy seeds?  

    The story really doesn't do the experience any justice.  The woman had this slow, sing-song type new age delivery when she discussed the issue and a Cheshire grin that was bigger than the room.  After all, she was talking to the Farm Bureau.  Farmers don't like weeds.  

    During the 2006 general election ultra-lefty Sharon Renier came up about 10,000 votes short of knocking off Tim Walberg in the 7th District Congressional election.  Granted, Walberg had just emerged from a knock-down, drag-out primary victory over an incumbent Republican "moderate," but Renier was closer than some folks probably expected.

    Her thanks from the Democratic Party for all her hard work?  An invitation to sit in the back of the bus.  They went out and recruited Mark Schauer, another ultra-lefty, and have anointed him the second coming of... well... a Democrat in the 7th Congressional.  Renier didn't even get a toaster.  And it looks like she's not happy about it.

    Displeased with the suggestion she sit down and shut up good old Sharon went ahead and got her name back on the primary ballot this year and wants to give Marcus a run for his money.  She threw the first haymaker yesterday... or, well, a rabbit punch to the back of the head maybe.

    Read on...

    Just like a race for Township Supervisor, running for Congress requires one accumulate the valid signatures of registered voters on official petitions.  Of course, a candidate for Congress needs one-thousand, not twenty.  (Guess now we know why Matt Evans didn't bother taking a gamble on going to Washington.)  

    Renier filed a formal challenge to two-hundred of Schauer's petition signatures. The Associated Press reports:

    Renier says some of the petitions were circulated by someone who was not listed as a circulator on the forms. Schauer's campaign calls the challenge a nuisance and denies that it turned in the petitions in an illegal manner.

    Now don't get too excited.  Schauer turned in two-thousand signatures so even if all two-hundred signatures are tossed it won't keep his name off the ballot.  Then again, a little smile from conservatives is probably appropriate here.  Renier's challenge illustrates two things... 1) Schauer's camp might be playing dirty, asking someone to sign his or her name on petitions he or she didn't circulate.  2) Renier isn't going to go away without a fight.

    This is a woman who faced off against three Democrat challengers last time around and walked out of the primary with more votes than the other three combined.  She was a rising star and one of the favorites in the regressisphere.  If there weren't any formal marriage proposals after the way some of the lefty bloggers gushed about her that cycle her dad might be hunting for the "gentlemen" now with his daughter's white dress in one hand and a shotgun in the other.  (Get it?  Shotgun wedding?  Because they were so inappropriately into her?  Nevermind.  Stupid.  Michigan libs don't believe in shotguns.)

    Plus, if her vegetable analogy is any indication, and it is, she's a fun candidate to have around.  

    I don't live in the 7th Congressional District but if I did?  The woman would have my vote.  In the August primary.  What's that you're saying?  "Operation Chaos?"  I have no idea what you're suggesting.  All I know is that it's great there's at least one liberal in the 7th Congressional District who's willing to concede Schauer might have a few ethical foibles.  And to fight for the rights of weeds.

    Oh, and really quickly, there are a couple of big stories over in Detroit that are worth a little attention this morning.  It turns out Kwame Kilpatrick's lawyers are as out of their minds as he is.  That and, shock of all shocks, the FREEP found a relatively high performing public Jr. High School in Detroit and did a nice little profile piece on them.  If THAT isn't worth a link I'm not sure what is.

    < 26 States Later, the Court Defies Citizens | Wednesday in the Sphere, May 21 >

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    Worthy links and new age delivery of weed. (none / 0) (#1)
    by maidintheus on Wed May 21, 2008 at 09:20:22 AM EST
    "Plus, if her vegetable analogy is any indication, and it is, she's a fun candidate to have around." Yeah, and she wears overalls too, but one must take a stand on the underlying issues in order for me to think seriously about the hot button ones that she purports to adhere. Sharon Renier sites examples that are so minuscule within the equation that it amounts to a silly same ol', same ol'. The tax dollars that we are forced to pay in order to support these is not (and I bet will not be) addressed. Anyone can say anything and still go along with a vote cast to support the funds and word it so as to have an excuse. Been there, done that...

    Also, I'm concerned with her men against women theme. First, we've come too far for that crap. Second, I don't need people legislating against my men.  Where, for the love of God, do we help one group by hindering another group?

    I think she is smoking some of her "weed."

    The links were "worth" it. Granny is in a no win situation. How bad can that be? On the other, public schools are acknowledged to not have a money problem. Perhaps we can stay focused on what the problem is. Get the agendas out and teach `em how to read, write, and think for themselves!

    Is that all... (none / 0) (#3)
    by LookingforReagan on Wed May 21, 2008 at 01:54:40 PM EST
    Is that all the Democrats can find to run for office anymore? Moonbats and Stalinists? What a bunch of looney toons their voters must really be. I guess that is why they have turned all the schools into political indoctrination centers so they can contol the level of intelligence of the those who are dumb enough to support them.

    At least Renier's pro-life and pro-2nd Amendment (none / 0) (#4)
    by Republican Michigander on Wed May 21, 2008 at 04:51:47 PM EST
    That's more than I can say about Schauer. Schauer's the type of guy who voted for every bad amendment to the CCW law back in 2000, and then voted for the final bill so he can tell us all he's pro-2a. The first word to come to mind with Schauer is weasel.

    He's a good campaigner, but with these tax increases and a longer and more high profile record than before, I think he's not in as good of shape as he thinks he is. I think Walberg is also a much stronger candidate than his reputation, even though the chattering classes can not stand him. Lenawee county is not a solidly republican county. It is a marginal county, maybe even a swing county. Walberg's won there many, many times, and has done it on the cheap.


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