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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    The Lighter Side: Livingston County Dem Chair bounced from ballot

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Mon May 19, 2008 at 11:09:43 AM EST
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    (Livingston County Dem Chair Matt Evans, possibly suffering the temporary effects of an occult brain attack... just keep reading...)

    What could keep any man off the ballot when only twenty valid signatures stand in his way?

    Maybe a mystical attack from the astral plane?  Who knows.  Well, besides Livingston County Dem Chair Matt Evans, a man somehow incapable of rounding up twenty like minded voters when his political future depended on it.

    Please, oh please read on...

    There's so much tough news on the wires every day it can start to get repetitive and over time it can beat a brother down.  But every now and again I'll come across or be pointed to a story that puts a smile on my face and does my heart some serious good.  

    Thank goodness for the Livingston County Democrats.  

    Late last week the Livingston Daily reported on what was to be a three-way battle to unseat Green Oak Township Supervisor Mark St. Charles.  I don't know Mr. St. Charles and I don't know his politics but based on the quality of his opponents I'm going to assume he's a fine individual.  

    See, both challengers were disqualified the day after the filing deadline because they had too few valid signatures to actually put their names on the ballot.  The challengers?  The first was Planning Commissioner John Mogelnicki, apparently a Republican, though my inquiries with local County Party officials couldn't find a single person with more than a passing familiarity with his name.

    The second?  Livingston County Democratic Party Chariman Matthew Evans.

    Both wound up with enough invalid signatures to knock them clean off the ballot. Not exactly the way Mr. Evans planned on things going this campaign cycle. Mogelnicki?  Who knows about him.  According to the paper the man signed his and Evans' petition.  Mix that with his obscurity among the Party faithful and I'm not saying he's one of those "run as a Republican because it's the only way to win" guys... but.... If Mr. Evans wanted Mr. St. Charles gone it'd probably be good politics to find an "R" to help split his vote.  Just saying.

    Either way, Evans intentions were clear.  The man wanted to win this thing.  

    Yeah, so much for that.  

    Which is funny and heart warming in it's own right, but wait, it gets better.

    You, fair reader, are wondering... to get kicked off the ballot the man must have had a boat load of signatures invalidated, right?  Wrong.  Only 5.  The man only submitted five invalid signatures.  Which normally isn't a problem.  Petitions 101: Build a big cushion!

    And it's not like that would have been difficult.  The total number of valid signatures needed to stick your name on this ballot?  Wait for it... wait... wait... ready?  Twenty (20)!

    I know I've done politics for a few years and I've done my fair share of petition gathering so take this for what it's worth... but any adult human being in a region as densely populated as Michigan should be able to round up twenty valid signatures in thirty minutes.  

    But I don't know Mr. Evans.  Maybe he's disabled.  Maybe he walks really slowly. Maybe he has habits or other personal characteristics that immediately drive strangers in the other direction.  Anything's possible.  So maybe it should have taken him two hours.  

    However long it took, he rounded up 23 signatures and 5 of them were no good. Bye bye ballot and so long Supervisor's slot.  And what with him being the local county party chair I have no problem in assuming it couldn't have happened to a nicer set of political values.  The people of Green Oak Township thank you for your laziness and apithy.

    Me?  I thank you for your wild conspiracy theories and rampant paranoia, too.

    Evans said he will review the matter with the attorney for the state Democratic Party.

    "They're going to have opposition in November by hook or by crook. They may have won this round, but I will be on the ballot in November," Evans said of the all-Republican Board of Trustees.

    The all-Republican Board of Trustees, for those of you wondering, had zero, zilch and nada to do with Mr. Evans disqualification.  I mean, nothing.  The local clerk identified the invalid signatures during his review of the documents (all two petition forms, assuming he filled the first one).

    Update [2008-5-19 12:36:8 by Nick]:The original blog entry stated that the local clerk does not sit on the BoT. MEA CULPA. He does. So I suppose one could draw some sort of connection between the Clerk's actions and claim that it was a part of a broader board conspiracy. But I still think this next idea's a better bet...

    So what's Evans prattling on about?  Your guess is as good as mine, though I've given this some thought and I've come up with a doozy.

    I don't live in Livingston County.  Never have.  And while I've probably driven through Green Oak, maybe even stopped off for coffee once or twice, I've never hung around for very long.  It could very well be that the trustees hold some sort of magical embrace over the other township officials.  

    Maybe they're actually a secret coven of witches and warlocks who cast incantations designed to force people like Mr. Evans to round up invalid signatures and then to sit on their backsides, ignoring the opportunity to build a safe margin.

    If that's the case, I hope the good Chairman will accept my sincerest apologies. Although it's probably a good thing he won't be elected this fall.  Imagine if they really could control his mind... the terrible power they'd wield through his position as Supervisor.  Oh the humanity!

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    I dunno... (4.00 / 1) (#1)
    by KG One on Mon May 19, 2008 at 11:41:10 AM EST
    ...twenty good sigs is doable outside of a major event. Under normal circumstances, maybe an hour.

    And is it just me? Or does this guy look like the zombie from "Plan Nine from Outer Space".

    "Stronger. You see? You see? Your stupid minds! Stupid! Stupid!"

    Don't forget, we're talking any 20 (5.00 / 1) (#2)
    by Nick on Mon May 19, 2008 at 11:51:03 AM EST
    Not just a random assortment of 20 after you've picked the low hanging fruit.

    This guy is a County Party Chairman.  He doesn't know where he can find twenty friends or family members in the course of thirty minutes?  

    Shoot, I'd just take the thing to church before Sunday School, walk a couple clipboards around the room and head out thirty minutes later with over 50 right there before I'd even have to pester the fam.

    Dems making a statement? (none / 0) (#3)
    by jrfoleyjr on Mon May 19, 2008 at 01:53:34 PM EST
    With only 23 signatures... hmmm sounds like he hit at least half the democrats in that area? (wink-wink)

    I wonder if the 5 invalid ones were from "Operation Chaos" operatives who have re-registered as Republicans. (BIG GRIN)

    I live in Green Oak (none / 0) (#4)
    by Republican Michigander on Mon May 19, 2008 at 03:09:15 PM EST
    I think what happened is that Evans and RINO Moglenicki wanted to shock Mark St Charles by filing at the last minute. Both of them probably assumed they could pay $100 to get on the ballot, as that is the rule for State Rep. For townships, that isn't the case. Matt Evans has to run as a write-in, and Moglenicki is screwed completely, as he isn't going to beat St Charles among write-in votes.

    Green Oak isn't that republican compared to most of the rest of the county and has a couple of democrat pockets in it. It's probably close to a Kentwood overall.  

    I know St Charles (none / 0) (#6)
    by Republican Michigander on Mon May 19, 2008 at 03:35:44 PM EST
    St Charles is a Republican. Mogalnicki though....nope. Never met him, and never heard of him. I called him a RINO because he signed Matt's petition and vice versa.

    My wild guess is that he's Sierra Club.

    Okay...let's see here. (none / 0) (#9)
    by KG One on Tue May 20, 2008 at 04:42:58 PM EST

    Livingston County Dem Chair Matt Evans


    Zombie from "Plan 9 from Outer Space"

    • Holy crap! by Nick, 05/20/2008 04:54:07 PM EST (none / 0)
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