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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    26 States Later, the Court Defies Citizens

    By Chazwald, Section News
    Posted on Tue May 20, 2008 at 11:22:16 AM EST
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    Last week, the California Supreme Court overturned state law banning homosexual marriage. This means that same sex couples will be able to obtain California marriage licenses and will be treated with the same state rights as heterosexual couples. That includes the areas of recognition, benefits, and taxes.

    Dr. James Dobson, founder and chairman of Focus on the Family, is outraged by the court's blatant disregard for marriage and the voters of California.

    "The will of the people has now arrogantly been declared null and void," he said. "In so doing, the justices have undermined and endangered the basic building block of society, which has been honored and preserved in every nation on earth through most of human history."

    Glen Lavy of the Alliance Defense Fund said the only way to permanently protect marriage in California is to amend the state constitution. Proposition 22, the law overturned by the California's Supreme Court, does not carry the same "legal weight" that a constitutional amendment would.

    Californian residents are in an uproar and have been circulating petitions to do just that; amending the constitution to ban gay marriage.

    A coalition of local, state, and national groups are working to place a constitutional marriage amendment on the ballot in November. Submitted by the group were 1.1 million signatures, which are currently under review for validation. That is hundreds of thousands of signatures more than are needed to qualify the amendment for the ballot.

    Matt Barber, policy director of cultural issues for Concerned Women for America has been following the court's decision closely.

    "Marriage is, and has always been, between a man and a woman. We know that it's in the best interest of children to be raised with a mother and a father," he said. "This decision will help fuel a California marriage amendment and re-ignite debate over a federal amendment which would protect marriage as between one man and one woman."

    The Federal Government is not recognizing homosexuals who wed, however, the Californian decision may wreak havoc within other states of this nation, including here at home.

    Due to this outlandish verdict, same sex couples from Michigan have the opportunity to trek to California to also share in vows. Then as married couples retreating back to their home state, possibly lawsuits could abound as same sex couples would try to fight for benefits they believe they deserve.

    The problem we have here is similar to if each state decided they were going to print their own currency. Can you comprehend what kind of a mess that would be? California just created a mess and Michigan could possibly take a hit for it.

    If this amendment found itself on the California state ballot and pass, it would invalidate the gay marriages just as it had years ago. Thus, protecting the sanctity of marriage.

    As we are awaiting confirmation, hopefully in June, on validity of signatures, we are also awaiting presidential hopefuls to come out in support of voters and rebuke the decision of the California Supreme Court.

    It is expected of the ultra-liberaltoons, such as B. Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton, to support same sex marriage and uphold the decision of the court rather than the previous decision of the people.

    The surprise comes when the Republican nominee fails to denounce the courts decision, thus far, further alienating conservative voters.

    My advice to John McCain is to come out and support the banning of gay marriage in the proposal of an amendment. Yes conservative voters may still have differences with their nominee, but at least they would see there is some common ground.

    The amendment to ban gay marriage would be good for the people of California and good for the people of Michigan.

    Chaz Oswald

    < Tuesday in the Sphere, May 20 | 7th District Democrat Challenging Mark Schauer (and His Petitions) >

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    courts/legislature (none / 0) (#1)
    by maidintheus on Wed May 21, 2008 at 06:55:52 AM EST
    We need both, respectively.  When one is attempting to obtain an agenda by disregard of the other and by blending the two, it is unconstitutional no matter the agenda.

    Same Sex Marriage (none / 0) (#2)
    by LtdAxss on Wed May 21, 2008 at 09:04:53 AM EST
    This is basically a benefit grab, and I think that all of those who signed the petition in California realize it.  If people want to commit to each other for a lifetime, that's their business, but the whole idea of same sex marriage being sanctioned by the state is basically an excercise in exhibitionism.  They get alot of media attention now, but will they still want that attention when a good percentage of these marriages inevitably fall apart?  I kind of doubt it; it simply wouldn't jibe with their status as a victim class.  Accountability is kryptonite to leftists, and gay activists are leftists.

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