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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Governor Jennifer Granholm Supports Child Abuse By Denying Parental Alienation Awareness Day

    By AChildsRight, Section News
    Posted on Mon Feb 25, 2008 at 08:24:33 PM EST
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    Governor Jennifer Granholm has destroyed Michigan's economy, families and now our children.  A Proclamation to officially recognize April 25th as Parental Alienation Awareness Day was denied by Governor Granholm.

    Unfortunately at this time, the office will be unable to provide you
    with your requested proclamation. Thank you for your request."


    Abbey Stahl
    Office of Governor Jennifer M. Granholm
    Special Correspondence Manager

    10 different states and Puerto Rico now officially recognize April 25 as Parental Alienation Awareness Day.

    Governor Granholm - for someone who sells herself as a progressive you sure are from the stone ages.  Parental Alienation is a serious problem in Michigan and all across America.  It damages children everywhere but apparently Governor Granholm is either ignorant or does not care about children.


    For more information on Parental Alienation please visit the Parental Alienation Awareness Organization.  Here is an incredible flyer you can print and pass out to others to educate them on Parental Alienation - Click

    You would think that with children being killed in Jennifer Granholm's foster care system that she would at least have some form of sensitivity to Parental Alienation as a form of child abuse.

    Governor Jennifer Granholm - She has destroyed our economy.

    Governor Jennifer Granholm - She has destroyed our families.

    Governor Jennifer Granholm - She supports the abuse of children.

    < Talk about a conflict of interest! | The absolute shame of Detroit drop out figures >

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    I mean no disrespect here... (none / 0) (#1)
    by John Galt on Tue Feb 26, 2008 at 11:49:34 AM EST
    But by denying a request for a "proclamation"... which is really just a piece of paper that doesn't do anything... Granholm has somehow damaged something or some cause?

    I am the last person to defend Granholm - and I am clearly not defending her now.

    But as a Conservative, can't you come up with something a little more substantial?  

    It's great you have an organization... that's a good step.  But "awareness" shouldn't be a goal.  Resolving the situation should be a goal.  Anything less is just wasting people's time and money.

    Something substantial (none / 0) (#2)
    by Ed Burley on Tue Feb 26, 2008 at 12:27:35 PM EST
    Our society has lost its way, there's no denying it. Part of the problem has been the government interference into the lives of the family; another the media's influence on our children and these young parents.

    The answer lies not in more government programs, or proclamations. It lies in those community service organizations (CSO) - churches, civic clubs, private schools, charities, etc.- offering parent education services to families. Many parents alienate their kids merely from ignorance - they are doing what they've been taught.

    If a parent was raised in an abusive household, it is quite normal for that parent to be abusive. What the parent needs is knowledge - what's a better way of handling the situation?

    Currently, there are limited resources in the community, usually through the Michigan State University Extention Offices in your county, that offer these type classes. The problem is that these are gov't funded, which means that each time the gov't mismanages funds (which is usually all the time), the MSUEx loses funds and has to cut back services.

    A better way is for churches, or other CSOs to offer these classes, funded by private donations. There's two reasons that churches should offer these classes: 1) Jesus command to love your neighbor; and 2) better parents make for a better society.


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