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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    The absolute shame of Detroit drop out figures

    By Hayekian, Section News
    Posted on Mon Feb 25, 2008 at 11:31:57 PM EST
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    Detroit News, 2/25/08: "Just 31.9 percent of Detroit students graduate in four years, according to the first major study in Michigan conducted using a method now mandated by the federal government."

    It makes me uncomfortable to say this, but how can one take seriously a "community" that has allowed a culture to be created and fester which enables this slow-motion holocaust? One generation after another of young people have had their life chances all but destroyed before they even reach adulthood. Nothing could be more shameful, except perhaps the aiding and abetting of this by the state and city political and school establishments. Shame, shame.

    Where is the outrage? No wonder Oprah gave up on the black community in this country and took her charity to South Africa. No wonder Bill Cosby is so frustrated. For half a century most of the black community seems to have refused to accept responsibility for its own future, instead putting all its race-cards on the cult of victimology and making sure whitey never escapes from his collective guilt. This is the tragic result.

    How's that working for you Jessie, Al, and all you other poverty pimps, including most of the Detroit city council? Actually it's worked pretty well for that elite of destructive, cynical so-called "leaders," but it has absolutely destroyed the community they supposedly represent.

    Shame, shame; ruin and degradation.

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    What can we do to fix it? (none / 0) (#1)
    by John Galt on Tue Feb 26, 2008 at 11:42:23 AM EST
    I've seen several articles from conservatives on this recently.  And every time I keep seeing the same points raised... I wonder if I'm missing the talking points memo, or I got dropped from someone's email list.

    Yes, we know the liberal agenda isn't working for Detroit.  Tossing more money at the problem isn't fixing it.  The Mayor is defending himself in lawsuits, and the city council is feeble and spineless.  This we know, and every article I see only reports on it like it's "news".

    The question I have... dear Conservatives... is what are we going to do to FIX it.  What are your ideas?  We all "instinctively" know that prudence and conservative principles can bring Detroit out of despair.  Drop the "instinct" and put pen to paper - What can we do to fix Detroit?  

    I challenge each and every RM contributor to submit one or two bullet points on this.  It's not an opportunity to be a smart-ass.  It's an opportunity to show that Conservatives really do care, and that we have ideas and principles that can solve problems.

    Good, benevolent thought, John Galt (none / 0) (#3)
    by Hayekian on Tue Feb 26, 2008 at 06:06:08 PM EST
    Indeed, it's worth asking what we can do. Probably there are some things, but for the most part I think it's not up to us, but up to the community affected. There's nothing we can do about a culture that persecutes kids who study hard for not being "black enough," that makes role models of thugs, that endlessly excuses corruption so long as it's committed by black "leaders," etc. In short, a culture that refuses to say "Shame on us!" and refuses to refuse to accept its own dysfunctions and destructive behaviors any more.

    Charles Murray wrote a column about the underclass after Katrina; that label isn't restricted to just blacks, but it certainly applies to much of the black population of Detroit. Here's some excerpts:

    from "The Hallmark of the Underclass" by Charles Murray

    ". . . The poverty Katrina underscored is primarily moral, not material. The government hasn't a clue. Job training? Unemployment in the underclass is not caused by lack of jobs or of job skills, but by the inability to get up every morning and go to work. A homesteading act? The lack of home ownership is not caused by the inability to save money from meager earnings, but because the concept of thrift is alien. You name it, we've tried it. It doesn't work with the underclass.

    ". . . In any case, poor people who are not part of the underclass seldom need help to get out of poverty. Despite the exceptions that get the newspaper ink, the statistical reality is that people who get into the American job market and stay there seldom remain poor unless they do something self-destructive. And behaving self-destructively is the hallmark of the underclass."


    No one can make another person stop behaving self destructively. Only the self-destroyer can do do that

    If this is addressed to me... (none / 0) (#6)
    by KG One on Wed Feb 27, 2008 at 01:43:17 PM EST
    ...the solution was already put forth.

    Unfortunately, TPTB were able to whip up a frenzy among the locals, and deep-six the charter school plan that would've been a major impetus for change in the City of Detroit.

    Eight Mile Road is, almost literally, down the street from my house. I speak with people from Detroit on a semi-daily basis.

    I don't want to see them fail more than anyone else.

    But as a wise trucker once told me: "Stupidity should be painful."

    The way things are going, it'll be getting real painful for them in the coming years.

    Then, and only then, will things begin to change.

    Your comment amazes me KG. (none / 0) (#11)
    by John Galt on Thu Feb 28, 2008 at 12:29:25 PM EST
    Sure, stupidity should be painful.

    But honestly, and truly... where are the alternatives?  What options are conservatives proposing?  

    You throw one example of Mr. Thompson and his charter school out.  One.  Example.  That seems typical of folks.  I tried once, and I didn't succeed.  So now I'm going to walk away.  It's their stupidity so I'm leaving.

    The problem is, the extension of your theory (they don't want us, so we're not going to help) ignores the whole concept of advocacy and outreach.  

    Maybe you're right.  Christians shouldn't send missionaries to new areas to spread the gospel.  Republicans, when they're not elected, should never run another candidate in that area again.

    But I think you're wrong.  I think "stupidity" as you call it needs to be SHOWN an alternative.  Shown options.  And most importantly, shown people care.  Democrats are really good at pretending they care - no freaking wonder they keep getting elected.  We have Republicans who say "I don't want to help you, you're too stupid".

    So, in all freaking seriousness... put up or shut up.  What conservative ideas do you have for fixing the problems that keep getting reported as "news" in Detroit?

    • Hey John by Ed Burley, 02/28/2008 02:24:43 PM EST (none / 0)
    Well, lesseeeeee here... (none / 0) (#12)
    by KG One on Thu Feb 28, 2008 at 01:03:34 PM EST
    ...how about?

    Require that schools test their students out at each grade level. Those schools that receive a failure rate over a certain percentile for each grade level (i.e 90%) get placed on probation. If after one year they cannot achieving a passing percentile, they get shut down and their staffs terminated.

    Require that teachers get paid bonuses for each student that scores at or above their grade level.

    Require that school boards that have an overwhelming level of underachieving/shut down schools in their district (i.e. 90%) get placed on probation (see above). If after one year there isn't any improvement, they get removed from office and charged for malfeasance.

    Require that high schools partner with local colleges to encourage their students to take AP level courses. This can only be done once schools are at the level they should be teaching at.

    Ease the process for removing disruptive students from DPS permenantly.

    Hold parents accountable for the actions of their children outside of school (i.e. they steal car, parent also gets charged).

    Now there's six ideas right off the bat. They don't entail bring up RTW or anything else that can antagonize the democratic base.

    Good luck getting any of them passed though.

    Any more words you want to put in my mouth? (none / 0) (#17)
    by KG One on Fri Feb 29, 2008 at 09:14:12 AM EST
    I didn't say that the state take over.

    I said that the local school board get removed from office.

    And just like any other open office, the seats can be filled by those from the community in the next election.

    They will know what needs to be done.

    Much better than the all-knowing overlords in Lansing.

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