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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    House Democrats emphatically tell job makers Michigan is 'closed for business'

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Wed Dec 03, 2008 at 06:50:49 AM EST
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    Right to Work wasn't just dead on arrival... Michigan Democrats took the bill, shot it, hung it in effigy then paraded and beat its corpse in front of the entire business world yesterday.

    The day before the UAW was set to discuss the possibility of maybe, just maybe changing their tune and being willing to offer a couple of concessions to help preserve 3 million jobs, and on the exact same day the Big 3 upped their request of the taxpayers to a staggering $34 billion we get this sort of behavior out of House Democrats right here in Michigan?

    The stunt Representative Fred Miller and his team on the House Labor Committee pulled yesterday wasn't just bush league and a direct violation of Dem leadership's oft-broken early term promise to run an open chamber where debate is encouraged, not silenced, it sent precisely the wrong signal at the absolute worst possible time to job makers, entrepreneurs and policy honks all over the nation and the world.  But wasn't that the point?

    While Detroit's auto companies genuflect in the halls of Congress, begging for serious cash to keep them from going bankrupt and simultaneously fund $73.20 an hour (on average) union contracts, drawing the eyes of the broader business world directly towards all things Michigan, including our anti-job regulatory structure, Miller and his Democratic colleagues in Lansing purposefully sent another signal... Michigan is closed for business and we're going to stay that way.

    Before the Labor Committee since March 13, 2007 was Representative Jack Hoogendyk's House Bill 4454 -- Right to Work.  

    Read on...

    The legislation granting Michigan workers the right to chose whether to join a union or not has lingered in Miller's committee for 21 months while House leadership stalled and obfuscated several attempts to discharge it to the House floor.

    In other words, Andy Dillon and team sent RTW to Miller's Labor Committee so it would never see the light of day.  And there it sat.  And sat.  And sat.  And sat.  For 21 months.  Until yesterday, to everyone's surprise.

    HB 4454 was not on the agenda.  It was not a scheduled business item and it was not on anyone's radar screen but that didn't stop Miller and his Democratic majority from surprising everyone in the room by bringing the bill up for a vote and demolishing it almost before anyone could even object.

    On an issue of staggering importance to both the economy and personal liberty, Democrats gave zero notice.

    Democrats took zero testimony.  

    Democrats allowed zero debate.

    Lansing Insider publication MIRS reports that Miller admitted afterwards that the decision to take up the bill was a "departure from his common practice."  He used a line on the agenda that reads "any and all business properly before the committee" to bring the legislation up for a vote and, frankly, he was well within his rights to do just that. (Elections have consequences and when you vote the chicken into the hen house...)

    Republicans Lorence Wenke and Phil LaJoy were in the room at the time and challenged the Democrats decision but were quickly silenced.  They both voted YES.  The Democrats voted NO.  All of them.  Members of the House Labor Committee include:

    Fred Miller (Chair)

    E: fredmiller@house.mi.gov

    Mark Meadows (Vice Chair)

    E: markmeadows@house.mi.gov

    Steve Bieda

    E: stevebieda@house.mi.gov

    Bob Constan

    E: bobconstan@house.mi.gov

    Barbara Farrah

    E: barbarafarrah@house.mi.gov

    Hoon-Yung Hopgood

    E: hoon-yunghopgood@house.mi.gov

    Steve Lindberg

    E: stevenlindberg@house.mi.gov

    The timing and the purpose of the decision to rout this bill this way appear to be pretty obvious.  Folks are looking to Big Labor and the UAW in particular to see what sort of concessions they will be willing to make to save the Big 3.  Folks are questioning whether the days of iron fisted union bosses running the show in Michigan are over.

    Miller, Meadows, Bieda and team showed the entire business universe yesterday that personal freedom and the state's economic health still takes a back seat to Democratic special interests.  The world and their job makers can go to heck, for all they care, and they poured the gasoline and lit the matches on Tuesday.

    If you've got a minute, shoot them each an email today to let them know it isn't safe playing with fire inside the House. Michigan families always wind up getting burned.

    < Wednesday in the Sphere: December 3 | My Analysis of the 2008 Election Cycle >

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    I'd settle for an EMAIL campaign (none / 0) (#2)
    by Nick on Wed Dec 03, 2008 at 07:45:35 AM EST
    to tell these Dem rascals that we're watching them and that we're disappointed!

    MORE PRESS PLEASE! (none / 0) (#3)
    by Clydes Dale on Wed Dec 03, 2008 at 08:40:11 AM EST
    This one item deserves MORE THAN JUST A BLOG POST.

    THIS ITEM should be sent to every County Party Chair in MICHIGAN with instructions for a Press Release to local papers and radio.

    With nearly 400,000 jobs lost in Michigan.

    With Bankruptcies and FORECLOSURES at all time highs.

    With POPULATION moving OUT of MICHIGN.

    With a top UNEMPLOYMENT RATE in the NATION.

    With one of the lowest growth rates in salaries and REAL INCOME in the Country.

    With FORBES ranking MICHIGAN one of the most expensive States to do BUSINESS in.

    With the MBT.

    With a new HIGHER TAX load ($1.4 Billion more) passed by Lansing in late 2007!

    WITH CEO Magazine ranking MICHIGAN in the bottom three in Business CLIMATE for THREE YEARS.


    and I am sure there is more . . . .

    <u>A simple blog post is just not enough.</u>  

    Where is our freedom (none / 0) (#5)
    by maidintheus on Wed Dec 03, 2008 at 09:25:05 AM EST
    when one must join by compulsory, regardless?

    Jobs (none / 0) (#6)
    by Eric T on Wed Dec 03, 2008 at 09:49:46 AM EST
    I heard on the radio today U.S Steel is laying-off 2,500 people. GM is going to be closing some plants, even with bridge loan. The winter season brings road work, construction, landscaping, and alot of seasonal work to a halt.

    Employment don't look to good for Michigan over the next few months. What they could do to keep the road crews going thru the winter, is create some "Blight crews" I heard they have 62,000 burnt up vacant homes in Detroit alone.

    All they need is an excavator to knock-em down, and the dump trucks, or roll off trucks to take the stuff to the landfill. Alot of the road crews have this equiptment and could keep workin' thru the winter.
     THe city of Detroit looks like a toilet, and that could also be a reason people don't want to bring a business up here. If they got rid of the blight, people MIGHT be more willing to bring business back.

     People should not want to burden a risk taker, that would want to bring a factory into Michigan. People would be happy to have a job that paid 8-10-12 dollars an hour right now. I sure would not want to bring a business here, and have a union tell me what I have to pay people, running a business is hard enough these days. My brother just lost his $8.00  an hour job at a stamping plant. THe last thing the state needs is to do is scare out companies, my bosses have said if we try and unionize there is a good chance the owner will sell the business. The democrats want to help the working class, by unionizing, but in reality it would be a job killer here in Michigan. They should consider getting rid of taxes on overtime, ect... as a way to help the working class. We just seen with GM Ford And DCX the effects of jobs banks, not being flexable, demanding unrealistic wages. Unions have some good points, like dealing with seniority issues, and some other things, but at this point in time, here in Michigan, I think people would just be grateful to have a job. Unions should just lay low for a while till the economy gets better.

    This is a family friendly website. (none / 0) (#7)
    by Rougman on Wed Dec 03, 2008 at 10:03:12 AM EST
    I'll do my best to tone down my language.

    What a bunch of idiots. If idiocy produced light these guys could be seen from space. These morons have no clue that to have well paid employees you must have profitable employers.  Why should a company keep its doors open if it is not profitable?  Why would a company attract investors if it does not perform well?  Why should a company not try to do what it can to increase its long-term profit potential?  

    If I were GM, or Ford, or Chrysler, I would immediately begin making long term plans to shift my entire manufacturing and professional operations to Alabama or Texas or somewhere warmer where there are fewer idiots.  Anywhere but this Democrat forsaken state.  

    The state of Michigan and its belligerant unions have somehow determined that the auto companies are their captives and will only survive on the gruel spoon fed them from Lansing and Ron Gettelfinger's office.  This type of thinking, though rare, occurs when the brain is located deeply within the lower intestine.  

    Sure, the auto companies have billions and billions of dollars invested in this state, but what do they ever get in return?  They are the bad guys, the greedy, the selfish.  But, the auto executives are not without a lot of leverage here. If they survive the next few months, will they concentrate on using the leverage that they have?  Up until now executives have been content to kick the can down the road into tomorrow.  For the first time in many years, these executives are wondering how many tomorrows there might be.  You can see the desperation reflecting off their tin cups.

    Several years ago, GM shifted a huge amount of its manufacturing from Michigan to the Arlington assembly plant in Texas.  Thousands of jobs were lost to Michigan.  Thousands of homes went vacant in SE Michigan but thousands more were sold in north Texas.  Thousands of children began learning about Travis and Austin and forgot about Father Marquette.  Those children are now going to UT or SMU instead of Michigan and CMU.  Millions of cups of coffee are sold every year in D/FW that are no longer being consumed in Michigan.  For every bakery or grocery store that closes up here, a new one opens down there.

    Don't get me wrong, I do not want to see any of the big 3 go belly up, and I do not want to see any of them move south either.  However, if either of those things is to happen, I want to see Fred Miller, hat in hand, take all the verbal abuse he has coming to him.  To call this guy a braying ass is an insult to braying asses everywhere--not that he is smart enough to understand that tired zinger.

    Oh, and !##y@(&&!!

    Well there is some good news (none / 0) (#9)
    by LookingforReagan on Wed Dec 03, 2008 at 12:29:18 PM EST
    Another Liberal fish wrap has fallen on hard times. The Battle Creek Enquirer is going to cease printing it's paper in Battle Creek and shift those operations to Lansing. They are cutting 50 jobs. I guess they couldn't figure out that the folks didn't really like the left leaning content to the paper. It has cost many subscribers including myself. There was a time when almost everyone on my street took the paper, no longer. You have to go a ways in order to find a paper tube around here. I cancelled primarily because the Enquirer endorsed Granholm for Governor and Stabs-us-Now for Senate in 2006. So it appears that Jenny No Jobs has even caused the errosion of jobs in her media base. To bad, but well deserved. Remember Gannett you earned those layoffs and worked hard for them. Now you have nobody to blame but yourself.

    A Question for theTeachers Union (none / 0) (#10)
    by Eric T on Wed Dec 03, 2008 at 12:36:45 PM EST
    I'm wondering this year, are my property taxes going to go up again to give the teachers a raise and so they can contribute to their pensions, and benefits?

    I hope not, the value of my house has went down about 75% in the last few years, yet the taxes go up quite a bit every year.

    If we stay on this path soon I'll be payin like $1000 a month for a house worth 20k. I'll let the bank have it back and move to a real state.

    Not the first crack at this bill... (none / 0) (#13)
    by Ken Braun on Thu Dec 04, 2008 at 02:09:54 AM EST
    This is NOT the first time that this bill and this issue got a hearing.

    On September 16, State Rep. Arlan Meekoff attempted to tie-bar HB 4454 onto HB 6256, a bill to regulate nursing homes that the Democrats wanted to pass. Meekoff's strategy appears to have been an attempt to force the pro-union side to swallow a RTW bill that they did NOT want as the price for getting what the DID want: having HB 6256 pass.

    The amendment failed, with the Dem majority all voting "no."

    But, also of note, 14 Republicans joined the "no" side. The MIRS story the next day said: "Republicans won a chance to vote on right to work amendment today, but watched 14 of their colleagues vote against the measure..."

    35 Republicans voted "yes."

    A full story will be in the next issue of Michigan Capitol Confidential. It is due out within days.

    Anyone wishing for a subscription to this free publication should shoot a note to micapcon@mackinac.org.

    An opportunity. A problem. (none / 0) (#14)
    by leondrolet on Thu Dec 04, 2008 at 02:05:06 PM EST
    The 'opportunity' is that Dems have just reminded anyone paying any attention that they are 1970s era dinosaurs on economic policy.

    Eight years of big-spending Bush and big-government Congressional Republicans convinced voters that maybe the Dems deserve another chance on economic issues. They have their chance and THIS is the message that they deliver? That they are unionosaurs beholden to Stalinomics. Perfect for the GOP!

    But then Ken Braun, ever the kill-joy, brings up one little problem. Too many Republicans cower before the shrinking thugosauruses. These GOPers remain fearful of taking a stand on anything where there is now, or ever was, opposition.

    This avoidance of opposition is not, however, the fault of the politician. It is the JOB of a politician to avoid anything resembling opposition of any sort in their continued quest to just stick around in Lansing.

    The fault lies with US and Republican PRIMARY voters that never punish cowardly RINO behavior at the ballot box.

    At the same time, get a copy of the Capitol Confidential that Ken references and call the good guys - those willing to vote in favor of a free and prosperous economy - and THANK them!  

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