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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Jobs (none / 0) (#6)
    by Eric T on Wed Dec 03, 2008 at 09:49:46 AM EST
    I heard on the radio today U.S Steel is laying-off 2,500 people. GM is going to be closing some plants, even with bridge loan. The winter season brings road work, construction, landscaping, and alot of seasonal work to a halt.

    Employment don't look to good for Michigan over the next few months. What they could do to keep the road crews going thru the winter, is create some "Blight crews" I heard they have 62,000 burnt up vacant homes in Detroit alone.

    All they need is an excavator to knock-em down, and the dump trucks, or roll off trucks to take the stuff to the landfill. Alot of the road crews have this equiptment and could keep workin' thru the winter.
     THe city of Detroit looks like a toilet, and that could also be a reason people don't want to bring a business up here. If they got rid of the blight, people MIGHT be more willing to bring business back.

     People should not want to burden a risk taker, that would want to bring a factory into Michigan. People would be happy to have a job that paid 8-10-12 dollars an hour right now. I sure would not want to bring a business here, and have a union tell me what I have to pay people, running a business is hard enough these days. My brother just lost his $8.00  an hour job at a stamping plant. THe last thing the state needs is to do is scare out companies, my bosses have said if we try and unionize there is a good chance the owner will sell the business. The democrats want to help the working class, by unionizing, but in reality it would be a job killer here in Michigan. They should consider getting rid of taxes on overtime, ect... as a way to help the working class. We just seen with GM Ford And DCX the effects of jobs banks, not being flexable, demanding unrealistic wages. Unions have some good points, like dealing with seniority issues, and some other things, but at this point in time, here in Michigan, I think people would just be grateful to have a job. Unions should just lay low for a while till the economy gets better.

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