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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Damage Control? Granholm's DCH Suspends Abortionist "Dr. P.'s" Medical License

    By Andrew Shirvell, Section News
    Posted on Thu Oct 25, 2007 at 01:04:04 AM EST
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    In case you missed it, late last month pro-abortion Governor Jennifer Granholm's Department of Community Health (DCH) actually did its job and suspended the medical license of abortionist Pornpichit Sethavarangura, known as "Dr. P."  DCH charged this abortionist, who was conducting his grisly business in a rundown building in Detroit, with thirteen counts of violating Michigan's abortion regulations.  Thankfully, Dr. P is now out of business and could face jail time.  

    Although this is very good news, one must compare DCH's handling of Dr. P's case to that of DCH's treatment of abortionist Robert Alexander's case, i.e. action versus extreme inaction.

    Back in August of this year I chronicled, in a three part series, the campaign undertaken by a Michigan-based pro-life activist group, Citizens for a Pro-life Society (CPS), against abortionist Alexander.  You can read about CPS's successful campaign to rid Ypsilanti of Alexander here:


    Although CPS was successful in that its efforts helped to close Alexander's Ypsilanti abortion "clinic," Alexander is still performing abortions in Michigan at several locations.  

    The sole reason that Alexander - a convicted federal felon who had previously lost his state medical license during the 1990s - is still performing abortions today is because DCH has refused for more than a year to act upon CPS's well-documented complaint against Alexander, which alleges serious violations of Michigan's informed consent law as well as violations of state licensing laws that regulate abortion clinics - allegations that could result in Alexander's medical license being permanently revoked.

    CPS is currently appealing DCH's June 27, 2006 (handwritten) "decision" to dismiss CPS's complaint against Alexander because (surprise, surprise) a response from DCH to a Freedom of Information Act request clearly revealed that no original investigation of Alexander's activities in Ypsilanti had occurred in the first place!

    With DCH's history, under pro-abortion Governor Granholm, of literally letting abortionists go unchecked in Michigan, the department's thirteen-count complaint against Dr. P seems stunning.  

    But not really.

    The truth of the matter is that DCH only got "tough" after the mainstream media (MSM) did DCH's job for it, i.e. conducted an investigation of allegations made against Dr. P.

    In mid-July 2007, the Detroit Metro area's highly-rated WDIV-Channel 4 conducted a hidden camera investigation of Dr. P's Detroit abortion business:

    "The Local 4 hidden camera investigation showed the doctor performing an abortion for $150 in a rundown building in Detroit. It also showed the doctor using dirty equipment and recorded the doctor on hidden camera saying he would perform abortions `on the spot,' which is a violation of the state's 24-hour waiting period."

    "The television news report also recorded the doctor suggesting he would perform an abortion on underage girls, even without parental consent, which is required by law for minors." See: http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/14222262/detail.html

    After the report aired, the rest of the MSM were quick to zero-in on Dr. P, which in turn put pressure on DCH to actually do something.  For example, the Detroit News subsequently reported that DCH had launched an investigation:

    "Allegations of illegal abortions in an unsanitary environment led state health investigators on Friday to seize the records of Pornpichit Sethavarangura, a Detroit doctor, and launch an investigation.  The state seized the records following a WDIV-TV report last week on Sethavarangura. . ."  See: 70721/LIFESTYLE03/707210344/1022/POLITICS+sethavarangura+wdiv&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=20&gl =us

    Considering the fact that Dr. P has been performing abortions for YEARS in Michigan, why did DCH only act after WDIV brought Dr. P's abuses to the attention of the public?  Hmm. . .

    Sure enough, late last month, DCH inspectors showed-up at Dr. P's abortuary, with WDIV cameras rolling (of course), in order to close down Dr. P's so-called business.  You can see DCH inspectors dramatically marching into Dr. P's clinic and pontificating for the cameras in this WDIV report located here:


    Yes, DCH does such a great job of enforcing Michigan abortion regulations that it only gets the job done after a popular TV station broadcasts indisputable evidence of Dr. P's illegal actions for all to see!  But when a group of pro-life citizens brings forth similar evidence against an equally reprehensible abortionist, Robert Alexander, DCH dismisses the evidence without so much as making one site visit to Alexander's abortuary or even placing a phone call.  

    So is DCH really interested in protecting the public from unscrupulous abortionists, as it claims, or is the department, under pro-abortion Governor Granholm, more interested in doing damage control before the cameras?  

    DCH's swift handling of the complaint against Dr. P, in comparison to its handling of the allegations against Robert Alexander, undoubtedly suggests it is definitely the latter proposition.          

    About the author: Andrew Shirvell, Esq., is a pro-life citizen activist who writes a weekly column that is published every Thursday for RightMichigan.com in which he focuses upon Michigan pro-life issues. Shirvell attended Ave Maria School of Law - Ann Arbor, where he served as president of the school's Bioethics Society, from 2004-2005.  He also served as president of Students for Life at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, from 2000-2002.

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    I'm proud of Granholm (none / 0) (#1)
    by Eric T on Sat Oct 27, 2007 at 10:28:48 PM EST
    I'm glad she shut that down. "All Heaven Rejoiced". Granholm actually impressed me with that. Come to think of it she has more executive experience than Hillary and would make a better president. I wonder if she would have endorsed  a different candidate if they had anyone else on the ballot here in Michigan. She has put thru NRA bills and worked with the Republicans at times.

    With the SCHIP bill it is hard to listen to anyone who supports abortion try to put on some theatrics and showbiz by telling the press "look at these Republicans don't care about kids, when their abortion clinics are making hamburger out of kids by the millions

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