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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Your tautology is PC too, isn't it? (none / 0) (#12)
    by Corinthian Scales on Thu Jun 30, 2011 at 09:12:53 AM EST
    Pogo, I'm not a pensioner, so ya, why not nail the geezers properly instead of all this graduated taxing.  Full on taxation.  None of this exempting or step tax BS that opened up property taxes.  Ya, pensions and 401k's.  Nail 'em.  Quit being Democrat-light.  Screw those geezers that are now getting screwed by their former employers who mismanaged their businesses into the hands of Big Bro.  Matter of fact, why not have a tax exempt, state regulated entity screw geezers some more every year too.

    It's the equity of burden, right?  Besides, we've got Obamacare to fund and all those poor victim illegals living in the shadows as cheap labor for wine making to pay for.  And don't forget about them 4 years of welfare leeches and the "working poor" mooches to pay for too.

    Yannow, on paper, I actually like your philosophy behind all this.  Like a mule, it has neither pride of ancestry nor hope of posterity.  Yessiree, the youth lining up their gimme, gimme attitudes against the geezers is where it's at today.  'Cause everyone knows those poor little darlings in their everything now world will never have pensions or 401k's, right?  They won't mind being at the end of their roads facing a government that will only want more, I'm sure.  Good plan.

    Yep.  The new face of the MI-GOP.  Hell, it could even be the signs of a Party slogan to hang on their NITC bridge.  "I voted Republican to eliminate out of control government, and all I got was new taxes."

    Wear it.


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