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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Well,... (none / 0) (#3)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed Jun 01, 2011 at 11:50:23 AM EST
    ...I suppose if I have to get one the phone and tell my newly elected in Lansing to vote no on such things like H.B. 4623, they prolly shouldn't be in Lansing in the first place, and if proven dimwitted enough to actually follow through with a yes vote for any tax/spending increase, which mine did, I'll be voting him out next election anyway.

    Nothing in Lansing that is referred to as a Republican would surprise me with how they arrogantly voted their tax hike shift through while gifting two sanctuary cities $900 Million to illegal aliens.  Disgusting.  But, as Mr. Hohman accurately wrote of Republican leadership in Lansing "This is was a game of margins, not one of principles," and within their deal cutting ways of nailing geezers Pensions, screwing with Property Taxes and freezing the Granholm/Dillon Income Tax Rate rollback, that is precisely why I refer to myself as a Conservative in place of what used to be a Republican.

    It is interesting to note that muslimomma Tlaib hasn't yet met a tax that she doesn't like.  But then again, those that know muslimomma Tlaib and sharia, they are already aware that it isn't that far of an offshoot of Socialism to begin with.

    With this interloping dhimmi tool from Sanctuary City Ann Arbor wanting to dumbo drop more muslimomma Tlaib's in the state for quota population figures, it would not surprise me one iota to find him behind the scenes with H.B. 4623 for Sanctuary City Detroit.  So ya, it will be the bootlicker class RINO that will enable the expanse of the Socialist Utopia inch in Detroit giving way to the mile of global citizenship sought to be accomplished by the commies working hand in hand with sharia as the muscleman.

    "As Salaam Aleikum" at the taxpayer sponsored CAIR rally in Lansing?  You betchya!

    Basically, Michigan got the GoverNerd Milquetoast 2.0 that they deservedly elected.

    The MI-GOP is saddled with their Party fence jumping 2010 Primary Nerd as is the weakling rollover Majority leadership in the House and Senate.

    Find that Stabenow challenger yet, Mr. Schostak?  Good luck with that.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, the GOP Leadership at the state and national level would best serve themselves with purging their pale pastel Democrat-light favored candidates 'cause folk like Ron and I are tired of their lame Party BS and are or have already cut off the money flow to them.

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