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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    You could make that point if (none / 0) (#9)
    by RushLake on Fri Dec 16, 2011 at 05:09:10 AM EST
    you are a dhimwit. Islam is a violent political movement which disguises itself as a religion and attempts to disguise itself, unsuccessfully, as a race.

    But, to your misguided point, the hatred or intolerance of another race or other races was manifested on 9/11, the USS Cole bombing, the Lockerbie bombing, the Beirut Marine barracks bombing, the murders at Ft. Hood, the murders of recruiters, and one could even make the point re the Oklahoma City Murrah Building bombing in the 1990s, and on and on. So why don't you go to East Dearbornistan, stand at the corner of Michigan and Schaeffer and proclaim the racisism (by your definition) manifest in that neighborhood? Perhaps an imam will preside at your funeral.

    The muslim population in America constitutes a dangerous 5th column that is dedicated to destroying us. They are always outraged at every perceived slight by Christians and Jews. There is no outcry from any "moderate" muslims when extreme islam (redundant) is attempted to be or is in fact initiated in America. (ie. Muslim "workers" refusing to handle alcohol or pork products in retail establishments, cab drivers refusing to transport people with helper dogs at Minneapolis/St. Paul airport, outrageous behavior in flight which is overlooked or excused, lockstep support of the democrat party). I reserve the right to return the hatred.


    You are a hypocrite, mm9! (none / 0) (#28)
    by maidintheus on Sat Dec 17, 2011 at 08:54:08 PM EST
    In all that you've spewed on this thread, your allegiance is abundantly clear.

    There is a great show of splitting hairs with the pro American and an utter lack of acknowledgement for the threatening acts/words and racism of the Muslim terrorists. Not one word of understanding, compassion or comprehension towards an American (or anyone else the terrorists hate)for the self preservation exhibited by an American.

    To play the 'race card' in this despicable manner is often done by those who are truly racist. The devout, radical Muslim has proved themselves to be viciously racist. So too have you, with your strawman questions and your dumb and dumber stance towards terrorism.

    Don't waste your time responding as I have your number. Eff you for standing with those who would eliminate me, my country, our allies and those who I love. Eff you for standing with those who have killed and maimed those who I love.

    I see your bs and this kind of bs needs to be called out fast and furiously.

    You are a full of sh!t pretender with bogus questions attempting to distract from your ugliness.

    Kiss my grits!  


    • Yannow... by Corinthian Scales, 12/18/2011 09:53:22 AM EST (none / 0)

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