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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Rebuttal (none / 0) (#10)
    by mm9 on Fri Dec 16, 2011 at 06:15:06 AM EST
    It is completely true that a hatred of Islam and its followers does not make you a racist. I find your arguments, as well as the general attitude of the other commenters on this thread, to be appalling and not backed up by facts, seeing as, among other things, there is a strong tendency to mischaracterize the general and significant minority attitudes of Muslims worldwide as the same as Muslims who are American citizens, which is dumb because it fails to consider the various other political factors in play in determining the attitudes of Muslims towards the US. For instance, a major reason for Iran's hatred of the US is that we backed the brutal dictatorship of the Shah before their revolution in 1979 as part of our Cold War policy. This does not justify Iran's subsequent actions against us of course, particularly the storming of the US embassy that destroyed relations between our countries, but does provide some context for why Iran became radically anti-American.

    You, however, stated that you refuse to patronize Arab-owned businesses. The term Arab refers to a race, not a religion. In fact, while most people of Arab descent are Muslims, there is a significant minority of Arab Christians. By expressing intolerance towards Arabs, you are, by definition, expressing a racist sentiment.


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