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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Too much social issues and not enough fiscal issue (none / 0) (#36)
    by Michigan Redneck on Fri Apr 24, 2009 at 11:50:41 PM EST
    This is in reply to "In what way?" by jmfc

    The reason I think that the Republicans pander to Evangelicals is that I always know a candidate is pro-life and against gay marriage.  They shout it out loud with a bull horn.  They speak loud, but not as loud in regards to lower taxes.  Do they plan on getting rid of useless spending in order to lower taxes?  Or just lip service?  I never know diddly where a candidate stands on immigration issues.  I know we live in Michigan, but there's a saying something about whatever floods the cesspools of Cali, overflows into the rest of the country.  Where does the candidate stand on ridding the state and country of the welfare system?  Where does the candidate stand on seasonal workers?
    I think social issues should be left to families and churches. Being on the outside looking in I see a Christian candidate who happens to be a Republican.  I prefer a Conservative candidate, who may or may not be a Christian.  I used to sing the tune of Christianity = Republican, Republican = Christianity.  If Republicans can message to Christians without it being pandering, then they can leave their comfort zone and message out to minorities and women and it not be pandering.  
    As I had posted above about Republicans stereotyping women, I think that has a lot to do with the Evangelical influence.  Remember, God made Eve for Adam.  Not Adam for Eve.  So my thinking is that men need a wife more than women need a husband.  Yet, Republicans think unmarried men are cool, sexy and studly, while unmarried women are lonely, desperately and loserly.

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