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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Again, depending on your point of view. (none / 0) (#40)
    by thejmfc on Sat Apr 25, 2009 at 01:05:42 PM EST
    I still say that while you may see certain candidates as catering to a special interest group, there is also the flip side to that.  The candidate may just hold those values himself.  The fact that they are shared values with other groups does not necessarily indicate that he/she is intentionally pandering to them.  I do understand your thinking on it though.  

    On the issue of women candidates, I don't disagree that women are more than capable.  You make a good argument about grocery shopping (and could also go on with managing an entire household, etc.).  I could counter with some man skills, but it's beside the point for me.  My feelings on women leadership stem from a Biblical view of the male/female relationship.  Not that women are inferior at all.  It's a division of labor thing.  Women are uniquely suited for some tasks, and men others.  I don't think it's a coincidence that in virtually every civilization, men have been the leaders/hunters/providers, while women have been the caregivers/home-makers/etc.  I doubt that every historical civilization was sexist (and coincidentally decided that men would rule), but rather that each noted that generally, men were better at some things, while women were better at others.  I believe that leadership generally falls into the man category, both from a male/female aptitude stance, and from a Biblical point of view.  I understand that it's controversial these days, and that I am probably in the minority.  That's where I stand though, and to say anything else would be... pandering. :-)  Contrary to what seems to be the Republican generalization though, I would sooner vote for a single woman vs. a married mother of four.  The single woman can focus almost entirely on her job, and wouldn't be torn between it and raising a family.  

    As I said before, I will vote for a good woman over a bad man.  I just don't agree with going out of our way to recruit them for the sake of diversity.


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