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    Tag: Reinventing Climate Change

    Shocking Development .. kinda not

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Feb 13, 2013 at 02:51:33 PM EST
    Tags: LG CHEM, Wealth Redistribution, Crony Capitalism, Jobs, Card Playing, Economic Development, Green Subsidy, Batteries, Taxpayer Abuse, DEQ, The Green Organisation Ltd, Reinventing Climate Change, Fred Upton Curlicue Light Bulbs, Red China, A123 Systems, ChiComs, Government Funding, MEDC, LEED, UN Agenda 21, ICLEI, Michigan, Rick Snyder, Been there done that with Granholm (all tags)

    Detroit News

    A Michigan-based company slated to produce lithium-ion polymer batteries for electric vehicles has instead kept production overseas, has failed to meet job targets outlined in a $150 million grant from the federal government, and has been reimbursed by the government for $842,000 in wasted work time, according to a U.S. Department of Energy Special Report released Wednesday.

    The DOE says Holland, Mich.-based LG Chem Michigan misused part of a $150 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds and has decided not to shift production from its plant in South Korea to Michigan. It painted a stark picture of wasted U.S. federal dollars.

    "Until the shift in production takes place or some alternative use for the plant is developed, U.S. taxpayers will receive little direct benefit from a plant for which they provided up to half of the funding," the report said.


    Thank God the republicans in Lansing, didn't throw away taxpayers money overseas on Green crap like those reckless big spending Democrats... Oh! Wait.

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    DEQ Receives Big Ben-dover Award

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Fri Jan 18, 2013 at 09:50:48 AM EST
    Tags: DEQ, The Green Organisation Ltd, Reinventing Climate Change, Green Subsidy, Fred Upton Curlicue Light Bulbs, Red China, A123 Systems, ChiComs, Government Funding, LG CHEM, Crony Capitalism, MEDC, Wealth Redistribution, LEED, UN Agenda 21, ICLEI, Michigan, Rick Snyder, Been there done that with Granholm (all tags)

    Naturally, because the Fabians in England has managed its own affairs so well, why not seek their approval here in, Michigan?

    The DEQ recently was recognized by an International environmental group for its pollution prevention efforts.

    The department was a 2012 North America Gold winner of the International Green Apple Award for Environmental Best Practices by The Green Organisation, an independent, non-political, non-profit organization that recognizes, rewards, and promotes environmental best practices around the world.

    How do you like them apples?  Nothing like the cost savings associated with keeping the incredibly expensive global green hoax alive with such not-ready-for-primetime ideals that are rewarding subsidy to foreign nations, or are being bought by Communists for pennies on the US taxpayer Dollar.

    Speaking of rotten Green apples.  Exactly what is in the Memorandums of Agreement Granholm signed with England, that Governor Snyder, would want it to remain secret, anyway?

    Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Left-To-Work .. in Indiana

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Sat Jun 02, 2012 at 12:13:29 PM EST
    Tags: Rick Snyder, Anti-Right To Work, Will VETO R-T-W, DRIC-NITC, Light Rail boondoggles, Massive Federal debt is not a factor, Obamacare Health Exchange, Foreign National Job Preference, H-1B Visas, EB-5 Citizenship, Wholesale Gas Tax, Registration Fees, Stem Cell Research, Government Funding, Reinventing Climate Change, Cowardly with Detroits Financial Disaster, Progressives, Been there done that with Granholm (all tags)

    via Inside Indiana Business

    Molded Foam, LLC, a manufacturer of foam seating and cushioning materials, announced today that it will acquire a Holland, Mich. firm and relocate its operations to Indiana, creating up to 45 new jobs by 2014.

    The company, which provides polyurethane foam cushioning to customers in the defense, medical, office-furniture and transportation industries, among others, plans to invest more than $3.8 million to purchase and equip additional space to house the new operations which will include a new molded production line.

    "We take this relocation project as an encouraging sign that we're taking the right steps to make Indiana the most attractive place to run a business," said Mitch Roob, Secretary of Commerce and chief executive officer of the Indiana Economic Development Corporation. "Job growth is great news for any community, but it's especially gratifying when new investment happens in a smaller community like Bristol."

    Molded Foam, LLC, plans to begin hiring additional manufacturing and supervisory associates early this summer as the new production line becomes operational.  

    Rest here

    Gov Snydholm, you can dodge and weave RTW all you want, but you're losing your obstinate, veto threatening ground with every Indiana relocation.

    Yes, I'm a person of my word.

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    Three packs of Cigarettes...

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu May 24, 2012 at 01:17:29 PM EST
    Tags: Rick Snyder, Tax Hiker, Anti-Right To Work, Will VETO R-T-W, DRIC-NITC, NAFTA Bridge, ChiComs, Light Rail boondoggles, Massive Federal debt is not a factor, Obamacare Health Exchange, Foreign National Job Preference, H-1B Visas, EB-5 Citizenship, Wholesale Gas Tax, Registration Fees, Stem Cell Research, Government Funding, Reinventing Climate Change, Green Subsidies, Cowardly with Detroits Financial Disaster, Progressives, Been there done that with Granholm, Teachers Goonion PAYOLA, Increased Film Subsidy, Heating bill Moochers, Jase Bolger, Richardville (all tags)

    Well, that's what the "BIG TAX BREAK" equates to for a $50,000/year income.

    Michiganians can expect individual tax relief this year as part of an agreement on the state budget hammered out late Wednesday that also includes more money for education, roads and film tax credits.

    The state will use $90 million in one-time money to reduce personal income taxes by one-tenth of a percent through either a reduction in the rate, a personal exemption or a combination of both, according to Gov. Rick Snyder's office. He and Republican legislative leaders have still to work out the details.


    Another $180 million will be added to the schools budget, including $106 million to pre-fund the school employees retirement system with the remainder going to K-12 classrooms.

    Snyder emerged from a late Wednesday afternoon budget huddle with House Speaker Jase Bolger and Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville saying, "It's making soup; it's good stuff."

    Read about the rest of this crap here.

    Yup.  More film subsidy for wealthy Hollywood Lefty's, more subsidy for heating bill moochers, and Teachers Goonion payola.

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    Why So Serious?

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed May 16, 2012 at 12:37:02 PM EST
    Tags: Rick Snyder, Tax Hiker, DRIC-NITC, NAFTA Bridge, ChiComs, Arthur Dudley II, Sino-Michigan Properties LLC, U of M, Anti-Right To Work, Will VETO R-T-W, Light Rail boondoggles, Massive Federal debt is not a factor, Obamacare Health Exchange, Foreign National Job Preference, H-1B Visas, EB-5 Citizenship, Wholesale Gas Tax, Registration Fees, Stem Cell Research, Government Funding, Reinventing Climate Change, Green Subsidies, Cowardly with Detroits Financial Disaster, Progressives, Been there done that with Granholm (all tags)

    Now, Big Government Rick proposes an end run around Michigan taxpayers and our legislature with an "interlocal agreement" between himself and Canadian officials.

    The Republican governor told reporters Wednesday he still hopes the GOP-led House and Senate will approve moving forward on a new bridge between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario. But he's also pursuing other options.

    Message to Gov Snydholm... It's the numbers, stupid.

    The numbers don't lie, nor can you hide from them, Gov Snydholm.

    (4 comments) Comments >>

    Going To Write Harry Reid About The ChiComs Too, Gov Snydholm?

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Mon May 14, 2012 at 10:04:28 AM EST
    Tags: Arthur Dudley II, Sino-Michigan Properties LLC, U of M, Rick Snyder, Tax Hiker, Anti-Right To Work, Will VETO R-T-W, DRIC-NITC, NAFTA Bridge, ChiComs, Light Rail boondoggles, Massive Federal debt is not a factor, Obamacare Health Exchange, Foreign National Job Preference, H-1B Visas, EB-5 Citizenship, Wholesale Gas Tax, Registration Fees, Stem Cell Research, Government Funding, Reinventing Climate Change, Green Subsidies, Cowardly with Detroits Financial Disaster, Progressives, Been there done that with Granholm (all tags)

    It appears that 'ol Ricky milquetoast may need to grovel at the feet of his pen pal Dingy Harry, again.

    via Crain's Detroit Business

    The group planned to develop more than 400 housing units that would be sold to Chinese buyers, creating a concentration of Chinese immigrants on what is now mainly farmland.

    According to warranty deeds filed with Monroe County, Sino Michigan Properties paid $1.9 million for the land.

    Continued below the fold ~

    (7 comments, 314 words in story) Full Story

    ChiComs Set To Colonize In Michigan

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Sun May 13, 2012 at 11:26:57 AM EST
    Tags: Arthur Dudley II, Sino-Michigan Properties LLC, Rick Snyder, Tax Hiker, Anti-Right To Work, Will VETO R-T-W, DRIC-NITC, NAFTA Bridge, ChiComs, Light Rail boondoggles, Massive Federal debt is not a factor, Obamacare Health Exchange, Foreign National Job Preference, H-1B Visas, EB-5 Citizenship, Wholesale Gas Tax, Registration Fees, Stem Cell Research, Government Funding, Reinventing Climate Change, Green Subsidies, Cowardly with Detroits Financial Disaster, Progressives, Been there done that with Granholm (all tags)

    via Right Side News

    A Chinese Group Plans To Construct A 200 Acre "China City" In Michigan

    A Chinese group known as "Sino-Michigan Properties LLC" has bought up 200 acres of land near the town of Milan, Michigan.  Their plan is to construct a "China City" with artificial lakes, a Chinese cultural center and hundreds of housing units for Chinese citizens.  Essentially, it would be a little slice of communist China dropped right into the heartland of America.

    Rest Here

    Isn't Michigan Liberalism just grand... if it isn't Sharia loving Musloids, it's Commie Chin infestation.

    h/t BigFurHat

    (6 comments) Comments >>

    Glad We Got Rid Of That Tax Hiking Granholm

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Fri May 11, 2012 at 07:32:29 PM EST
    Tags: Recruit someone from Apple next time, Rick Snyder, Tax Hiker, Anti-Right To Work, Will VETO R-T-W, DRIC-NITC, Light Rail boondoggles, Massive Federal debt is not a factor, Obamacare Health Exchange, Foreign National Job Preference, H-1B Visas, EB-5 Citizenship, Wholesale Gas Tax, Registration Fees, Stem Cell Research, Government Funding, Reinventing Climate Change, Green Subsidies, Cowardly with Detroits Financial Disaster, Progressives, Been there done that with Granholm (all tags)

    via The Detroit News

    Gov. Rick Snyder is urging the U.S. Senate to pass legislation that would allow Michigan to extend its 6 percent sales taxes to purchases from out-of-state Internet retailers.

    Snyder sent a letter to senators this week endorsing the Marketplace Fairness Act, which would enable states to collect sales taxes from online retailers like Amazon and Overstock.com.

    "By enabling remote sellers to ignore the collection of sales and use taxes, it provides them an unfair competitive advantage and threatens the viability of retailers throughout our communities, many of which are locally owned small businesses that reflect the unique character and culture of the Great Lakes State," Snyder wrote in a letter sent Monday -- and obtained Friday by The Detroit News -- to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.

    Rest here

    No, a-hole.  You lower the taxes on the brick and mortar retailers, and get government bureaucrat fiefdoms the hell out of all this cradle-to-grave mentality nonsense altogether.

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