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    Tag: Been there done that with Granholm (page 5)

    Canadian Magna Allows Washington Lobbyist Call For Boycotting The City Of Troy

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Dec 22, 2011 at 11:59:22 AM EST
    Tags: Rick Snyder, Gary Peters, Crony Capitalism, City of Troy, Hostile Chamber of Commerce, Canadian Magna International, Frank Ervin DC Lobbyist, Foreign Business, Green Subsidy, Progressives, Government Funding, Massive Federal debt is not a factor, Foreign National Job Preference, H-1B Visas, EB-5 Citizenship, Wholesale Gas Tax, Registration Fees, DRIC-NITC, Light Rail boondoggles, Anti-Right To Work, Reinventing Climate Change, Wealth Redistribution, Cowardly with Detroits Financial Disaster, Been there done that with Granholm (all tags)

    Ya, that's a headline you won't be reading in the news, nor ever overhear the GoverNerd discussing in Lansing.  But, it accurately is fact that Magna, founded by a narcissistic liberal Canadian billionaire (Think their version of a poor man's Donald Trump who ran for Prime Minister with similar disastrous results) had their Washington lobbyist for things such as expanding union labor Card Check legislation, Corporate Tax Credits and Loopholes lining Magna Canuck pockets with U.S. taxpayer money through Chevy Volt like subsidies, just declare economic war on an American city.

    Frank W. Ervin III, manager of government affairs for Magna International Inc., made the comment in an email Tuesday to the president of the Troy Chamber of Commerce, Michele Hodges. In the private message to Hodges, Ervin called the city's leaders "narrow-minded when it comes to the future of Troy and the future of Southeastern Michigan" for rejecting $8.4 million in federal aid.

    In the email, Ervin thanked the chamber president for her efforts to win approval for the transit center and said he plans to draft a memo to all Magna group presidents and corporate executives "strongly recommending" that the automotive supplier "no longer consider the City of Troy for future site considerations, expansions or new job creation."

    Can you get over the set on this guy?  Make no mistake about it, Frank Ervin is the Van Jones of the Magna Internationals' wealth redistribution GreenTard movement.  It becomes difficult to ignore that Canadian Magna, which surprise surprise, also owns BluWav, really hasn't left any U.S. taxpayer subsidy unturned.  TEA folk around the state might want to sharpen up and take note of their surroundings.  They've been way too soft on letting such things happening right under their noses go undetected, and let go on without objection.

    Oh, and the GoverNerd?

    (4 comments, 819 words in story) Full Story

    Mic Check! Mic Check!

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Fri Dec 16, 2011 at 12:47:41 PM EST
    Tags: University of Michigan, Regents, Julia Donovan Darlow, Laurence B. Deitch, Denise Ilitch, Olivia P. Maynard, Andrea Fischer Newman, Andrew C. Richner, S. Martin Taylor, Katherine E. White, unionization, Students, Researchers, Progressives, Mary Sue Coleman, Rick Snyder, Been there done that with Granholm (all tags)

    I'll be damned, Detroit's liberal fish wrap made me giggle today.

    A group of Occupy U-M protesters took over Thursday's University of Michigan Board of Regents meeting seconds after President Mary Sue Coleman started it.

    About 20 protesters stood on each side of the regents' conference table. One protester read a speech, pausing every few seconds for the rest of the group to echo him.

    They were protesting the financial management of the school, saying it's run as a business and regents are selling education to wealthy people like a commodity.

    Holy crap!  Could it be the #OccuTurds are figgerin' things out?

    (4 comments, 531 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    I Love The Smell Of Lithium Polymer In The Morning .. It Smells Like, Taxpayer Subsidy

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Dec 13, 2011 at 10:10:02 AM EST
    Tags: Rick Snyder, Crony Capitalism, Green Subsidy, Progressives, Government Funding, Massive Federal debt is not a factor, Fred Upton Curlicue Light Bulbs, Foreign National Job Preference, H-1B Visas, EB-5 Citizenship, Wholesale Gas Tax, Registration Fees, DRIC-NITC, Light Rail boondoggles, Anti-Right To Work, Reinventing Climate Change, Wealth Redistribution, Cowardly with Detroits Financial Disaster, Been there done that with Granholm (all tags)

    Here's a great thing from the inbox to make your morning rosy.

    Michigan Senate Revives Corporate Welfare Scheme Governor Vowed to End

    Bill authorizes $50 million from state for another electric car project

    So, what happens with the Senates handout of $50 million in Michigan taxpayer money to Dow Chem partnered offshoot LLC's, now sits in the House Commerce Committee, or more pointedly, in its Chair, Rep. Wayne A. Schmidt's lap.  After witnessing the stellar job that Chair Wayne Schmidt has done with sitting on HB 4024 and HB 4026 for the past 11 months, what could possibly go wrong?

    So, Tough Nerd, you got that veto pen of yours ready?

    (12 comments) Comments >>

    With Friends Like Finley, Who Needs Mark Brewer?

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Mon Dec 12, 2011 at 12:03:49 PM EST
    Tags: The Detroit News, Nolan Finley, Progressives, Rick Snyder, Stem Cell Research, Roe v Wade, Partial Birth Murder, CPB, PBS, Government Funding, Massive Federal debt is not a factor, Fred Upton, Foreign National Job Preference, H-1B Visas, EB-5 Citizenship, Wholesale Gas Tax, Registration Fees, DRIC-NITC, Light Rail boondoggles, Anti-Right To Work, Reinventing Climate Change, Cowardly with Detroits Financial Disaster, Been there done that with Granholm (all tags)

    Amazing.  I honestly believe Detroit has finally lost what passes for the last standing paper with a Conservative slant to it.  This past weekend Nolan Finley, took it upon himself to unleash a can of cognitive dissonance RINO whoop-ass on the Michigan Republican Legislature.

    But voters didn't give Republicans a mandate to drag the state to the far right on contentious social issues.

    And yet last week, the Legislature sent to the governor a bill banning public employers from offering domestic partner benefits. It strips local communities and school districts of the right to shape benefit packages that make sense for their workers, and places Michigan outside the mainstream of current employment practices.

    Exactly what "mainstream" would Mr. Finley be referring to?  Governor Moonbeams' bankrupt California?  Harry Reids' foreclosure epicenter Nevada?  Stanley Ann Dunhams' Hawaii?  C'mon Nolan, there are only 7 other Democratic Party controlled states left to hold up for your "mainstream" meme.  Mr. Finley, should also note the State of Wisconsin is smack in the face of his next double-down on the Michigan Legislature.

    More below.

    (5 comments, 803 words in story) Full Story

    GoverNerd Bends Over For Campus Aristocrats

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Dec 08, 2011 at 09:20:29 PM EST
    Tags: Rick Snyder, Word Meanings Hijacked by the Left, Political Correctness run amok, Anti-bullying drama, Obamacare Health Insurance Exchange, Children BMI Reporting, Smoke free Beaches, Foreign National Job Preference, Wholesale Gas Tax, Registration Fees, DRIC-NITC, Light Rail boondoggles, Anti-Right To Work, Reinventing Climate Change, Cowardly with Detroits Financial Disaster, Been there done that with Granholm (all tags)

    Gov. Rick Snyder says he'll sign a bill preventing public employers from offering health-care benefits to domestic partners - but only if he's sure university employees are excluded from the ban.

    There's some confusion over the ban, which moved through the state House on Thursday a day after Senators approved the bill, striking language that specifically included university employees.

    But Republican House leaders said after ban passed 63-45 that workers at the state's 15 public universities would in fact be prohibited from extending the benefits to same-sex and domestic partners.

    Snyder spokeswoman Sara Wurfel said the governor's work and understanding on the bill is that public university employees would not not included - hinting at a veto if a review proves otherwise.

    Rest here

    Seriously Republicans, no more electing easily bullied Ann Arbor pillow biters as governor, OK?

    (3 comments) Comments >>

    Never Let Receivership Be A Distraction When It Comes To Spending Taxpayer Money

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Dec 06, 2011 at 07:49:54 AM EST
    Tags: Governor Snyder, Wholesale Gas Tax, Registration Fees, DRIC-NITC, Light Rail boondoggles, Big Government Free Market Interference, Anti-Right To Work, Reinventing Climate Change, Cowardly with Detroits Financial Disaster, Been there done that with Granholm (all tags)

    Gov. Rick Snyder and Detroit Mayor Dave Bing met Monday for an hour with Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood to discuss efforts to improve regional transit in Metro Detroit.

    "Secretary LaHood is committed to working with Gov. Snyder and Mayor Bing to help find safe and reliable solutions to the transit challenges facing the residents of the greater Detroit region," the department said in a statement. LaHood "applauds their efforts to work together on a regional transit solution that will offer residents safe, cost-effective ways to reach their schools, jobs, and churches."

    Snyder spokeswoman Geralyn Lasher said the meeting stemmed from a confab the three had in Dearborn in October.

    "This is a continuation of the task force Secretary LaHood asked the governor and the mayor to chair following his last trip to the Henry Ford," said Lasher, the Republican governor's communications director.

    The task force includes Wayne, Oakland, Macomb and Washtenaw counties working on regional transit issues.

    It's unknown whether Snyder and Bing discussed Detroit's finances on the trip. On Friday, the state announced it would conduct a review of Detroit's finances, the first step in evaluating whether the city should be run by an emergency manager to get its finances under control. The city could run out of money by April, according to a financial report.

    Rest here

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    Shocker: 1 in 5 still Approve of The GoverNerd

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Mon Dec 05, 2011 at 03:21:55 PM EST
    Tags: Governor Snyder, Obamacare Health Insurance Exchange, Children BMI Reporting, Smoke free Beaches, Foreign National Job Preference, Wholesale Gas Tax, Registration Fees, DRIC-NITC, Light Rail boondoggles, Big Government Free Market Interference, Anti-Right To Work, Reinventing Climate Change, Cowardly with Detroits Financial Disaster, Been there done that with Granholm (all tags)

    Fall 2011 State of the State Survey conducted by IPPSR at MSU results can be found here.

    A few interesting Republican stats:

    44.2% believe they are worse off than one year ago.

    32.3% remain stuck on Snyder loving Party stupid.


    (11 comments) Comments >>

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