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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Just try to Teach Your Children That Communism is Bad

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Sat Sep 15, 2012 at 11:14:02 AM EST
    Tags: Rick Snyder, Abortions, Gender selection Eugenics, ChiComs, Groveling for scraps, Crony Capitalism, DRIC-NITC, Just leave your business card on the nightstand Governerd (all tags)

    via The Detroit News

    The Republican governor and former business executive will lead a nine-person delegation from Tuesday through Sept. 27 to boost trade, tourism and investment between China and Michigan. The 10-day, 18,000-mile trip includes stops in Shanghai and the provincial capitals of Hangzhou, Wuhan, Guiyang and Chengdu, according to Snyder's office.

    Separately, the MEDC is taking representatives from 21 Michigan companies - including 15 from Metro Detroit - to China on Monday for a 10-day, six-city tour to market Michigan-made automotive, consumer and food products to Chinese customers and distributors. Snyder's trip follows a September 2011 trade mission to China, South Korea and Japan. He credits that trip with leading to economic developments, including the expansion of Hyundai America Technical Center Inc. near Ann Arbor and a major investment in the Chinese-backed Nexteer Automotive facility near Saginaw.

    On the relationship building front, Snyder plans to rekindle a 30-year sister link between Michigan and the Sichuan province "that hasn't been as active as it should be." He also will see what develops from Pure Michigan advertisements translated for a Chinese website.

    With economic analysts predicting Chinese companies may make $1 trillion in foreign investments by 2020, Snyder and the MEDC will stress to Chinese investors "Michigan is well suited to be a home for some of those investments," Wurfel said.


    This state has become such a pathetic embarrassment.

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    Oh goodie! Another taxpayer funded junket. (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Sat Sep 15, 2012 at 12:29:24 PM EST
    "The Michigan Economic Development Corp. is paying for the trade mission through its foundation and corporation donations, Snyder spokeswoman Sara Wurfel said."

    Detroit is descending into anarchy.

    The republicans are in danger of losing the House. Sorry Pete, you're a good guy and all...but you've drank way too much kool aid.

    And the guv is taking time out of his obviously overworked schedule to rack up his frequent flier miles paid for by a P^3.

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