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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Congressman Walberg Endorses Mike Nofs

    By twal, Section News
    Posted on Tue May 05, 2009 at 10:33:42 AM EST
    Tags: This vote is too important to miss! (all tags)

    (Promoted by Nick... thanks, Congressman, for checking in on this critical race!)

    Michigan's 19th Senate District has for too long been represented weakly, or not at all.  Gov. Granholm has finally done what she should have done last November by calling a special election to fill this seat vacated by Mark Schaurer.


    My choice for the next Senator is former Representative Mike Nofs.  Without the unusual influence of radical groups like ACORN, the voters of the 19th District are generally prone to elect someone representing a common sense, independent, and mostly conservative traditional value viewpoint.  They will only deviate from that when a candidate appeals to this set of values and then deviates from that platform when elected.  That will not be the case with Mike Nofs.  He is a candidate who will appeal to those values, give them the truth, and stick to those principles once elected.

    Having served in Michigan's House for sixteen years I know the very real pressures of representing a district while upholding your convictions.  Too many politicians succumb to doing what is politically expedient to get along in Lansing.  Mike Nofs has been both a leader and a committed conservative representative of his district.  I'm certain he will continue this pattern in the State Senate.  At a time when Michigan needs a heavy dose of spending restraint and tax-cutting Mike Nofs can be just such a catalyst in this seat.  One doesn't need to guess at that because Mike has a record of six years in the House to prove it.

    No candidate/office holder is perfect, but Mike Nofs will provide the representation and leadership that Michigan and the 19th District needs right now.  His public service record in the military, State Police duties, and the State House assures the electorate that he can be trusted with their tax dollars and freedoms.  I encourage the voters of the 19th District, Calhoun and Jackson Counties, to finally select the Senator they deserve.  That candidate is Mike Nofs.

    For those who live outside of the 19th District I would ask you to join me in assisting the efforts of Mike Nofs to succeed in his bid for this seat.  The outcome will go way beyond one Senate seat in starting the movement toward a successful and vital Michigan for us all.  Let's all do our part to turn the tide from the "blown away" years of Granholm/Schaurer, to becoming all that this state should be; a place of opportunity and freedom.

    With highest expectations,

    Tim Walberg

    Congressman (Ret.)

    < Even the Shredder knows $1.32 billion minus $300 million is more than $0 | All that glitters is not gold... sometimes it's "Silver" and sometimes it really sucks! >

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