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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Taking Granholm off our hands, but at what price?

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Fri Feb 06, 2009 at 12:03:03 PM EST
    Tags: Granholm, Cherry, Obama, SCOTUS, Senate, Schauer, Stabenow, geek (all tags)

    I'm a big fan of the Alien franchise.  Or, rather, I'm a big fan of the first three movies in the franchise... the next three are Alien movies about the same way Episodes 1-3 are Star Wars movies.  But that's neither here nor there.

    In Alien 3, the series' heroine, Ellen Ripley comes to a horrifying realization.  Growing inside of her is an Alien queen, a creature of incredible destructive power, its structural perfection matched only by its hostility.  "Unclouded by conscience, remorse or delusions of morality."  And this particular breed is able to reproduce without a mate.

    Those familiar with the franchise will remember that when an alien enters this world, its host dies rather painfully.  Its not a pretty picture.  

    Ripley is faced with an uncomfortable choice.  She can either destroy the queen, and herself along with it, or she can embrace an opportunity presented to her by an outsider.  He has the ability to take the alien and rescue her from her own horrific, premature death but Ripley understands that while handing over the specimen will grant her a temporary reprieve, the results for those around her would be cataclysmic.  

    Now here we are in Michigan and we find ourselves the host to our own parasitic, job-killing queen and darn it all if President Obama isn't rumored to be offering us a chance to get rid of it.  But the consequences to those around us...

    Technically NEXT Friday is Friday the 13th but if the rumors swirling around the Capitol press corp don't scare the life out of this state TODAY I'm not sure any mix of black cats, tall ladders and sci-fi horror movies could.

    Read on...

    What starts with a frightening headline courtesy of the Associated Press ends with an ironic and infuriating twitter-burst from Democratic political consultant and radio personality Todd Cook.  Before you read another sentence, though, I should warn you that what follows is neither for the young or the feint of heart.  

    Make sure you're sitting down and if you've got a trash can anywhere nearby you might want to bring it close... if you don't start this article on an empty stomach you may end it on one.

    You've been warned.

    The rumor machine is in overdrive this morning and they all end with a bit of mixed news... Jennifer Granholm may be leaving the state of Michigan and sooner rather than later.  I know, I know, now muffle those cheers.  

    You think the last six years have been frustrating?  Don't much like what the woman has done to our home state... the way she's crippled our economy, sent members of our families to either the unemployment agency or the nearest border and grown the state government bureaucracy by billions of dollars at the same time?

    Do you comfort yourself with the knowledge that Republican or Democrat, the next governor of the state of Michigan won't be named Jennifer Granholm?  Then how'd you like this... a Granholm in government for the rest of her life.  

    The AP rumor-mongers with a headline that made my blood run cold:

    Granholm mentioned as possibility to fill ailing Ginsburg's seat on Supreme Court

    Because six years of Granholm in charge of one state just wasn't enough, apparently someone somewhere thinks she's done such a wiz-bang job in the executive branch that a woman who has NEVER sat on ANY judicial bench is qualified to become one of the nine most powerful judges in the world.

    Still, I take solace in the knowledge that whoever dropped her name in that particular conversation is just plain off his nut.  The list of even hyper-liberal candidates more qualified than the governor is longer than the unemployment line in Michigan.

    It's the Todd Cook rumbling that's really frustrating.

    According to the liberal operative, there's a chance that Debbie Stabenow could be tabbed to join Health and Human Services, creating an open Senate seat here in Michigan.  The thinking is that Jennifer Granholm would conduct a faux search for a replacement, then name herself to the post.

    She'd get nearly four years of incumbency before facing her first Senate election and she'd enable John Cherry to assume the incumbent label in his effort to win the governor's office in 2010.  That could effectively clear the field of serious Democratic competition and give him a leg up with Michigan voters who've shown a frustrating penchant in recent years for supporting the status quo locally, no matter how disastrous.

    And you'll just have to ignore the irony of a woman appointing herself a replacement for a United States Senate vacancy when she still refuses to so much as call a special election for the t9th District Michigan State Senate vacancy created when Mark Schauer went to Washington.  Something about avoiding a Republican pick-up opportunity and taxation without representation getting a bad rap?

    The temptation, though, to embrace any opportunity to rid the state of this woman is understandable.  She's wrought single-state economic devastation on a scale rarely seen before in the history of the United States.  Some measurements indicate 450,000 fewer net jobs than when she first took the oath.  One can't be blamed for considering the bright side of bidding her adieu.  

    But the destruction this woman would inflict on the nation as a whole if set loose upon it...

    The damage is done here in Michigan.  We can't descend any further.  There isn't a 51st state we can pass on the way to the economic cellar.  There's a sense that our lot for the next two years has been cast.  The only question left is whether or not we're brave enough to do what Ripley did... keep the queen close to our hearts, so to speak, and do everything in our power to ensure she isn't unleashed on the rest of the world.

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    Well, (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Fri Feb 06, 2009 at 01:23:36 PM EST
    This has been brought up before. I remember posting the fear that if Obama were elected then maybe Hillary or Granmole or both would be nominated to fill any vacancies on the high court. The other possible open seat would be that of J.P. Stevens. He has been rumored for some time to be wanting to retire. So there is the chance that Obama would be willing to pay off the Czarina with the seat. But what are her qualifications. She was NOT a good or even an adequate AG.She has nevered argued a case before the High Court. I don't believe she ever argued before the State Supreme Court. But being imcompetent and unqualified never stopped the Liberal Democrats. I mean look at the man that now passes for Presidential material. A man that never did anything or ran anything and never accomplished anything but turn a speech into a campaign theme that to many people fell for.
    I think if the Obama people come to Michigan and see how really reviled this woman is they may not want the backlash. I think we can confidently say that Obama will be a one term disaster like Jimmah Carter. But then Granholm is the female version of the Peanut President.
    I still don't think it will happen. To many other big Libs out there at the head of the line. Granholm won't make the cut.

    Why not be rated 51st or lower... (none / 0) (#2)
    by RightMacomb on Fri Feb 06, 2009 at 02:27:49 PM EST
    When you reach the bottom of the scale in terms of economics (like 50th out of 50 in unemployment), why cant we see if we can be 51st.  Its time to change the scale to see how ew really rate.  

    We could start adding countries to the comparison.  I bet if we put all European countries on the list with the states, we could drop more.  Granted, we may still beat France, but anyone who knows military history knows that beating France is not that tough...even for Granholm.

    What??? (none / 0) (#3)
    by theclassiclib on Fri Feb 06, 2009 at 03:52:44 PM EST
    It's time for a "town hall" meeting here in Michigan, for all conservatives and libertarians who care about this great country of ours!

    Our legislators need to join the ranks of Oklahoma, New Hampshire, Vermont, Washington, and Arizona by reinstating our state rights, demanding Washington fully abide by the 9th and 10th amendments, and if they fail to do so ... they have nullified themselves, and once again, it will be ...

    "necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

    I wrote about what these states are doing here.

    WWTJD?  What would Thomas Jefferson do?

    Last I checked (none / 0) (#4)
    by LookingforReagan on Fri Feb 06, 2009 at 03:57:06 PM EST
    The last time I checked the GDP of Michigan against Puerto Rico they were beating us handily. Sad to say. They have many less people there then we have here. So they are still doing very well while we are ah well never mind, we all know.

    Supreme Court Justice Granholm (none / 0) (#5)
    by wctaxpayer on Fri Feb 06, 2009 at 04:33:10 PM EST
    Oh My God.  Nooooooooooooooooooooo!
    Rose Bogaert, Chair Wayne County Taxpayers Association, Inc.
    Stranger Things Have Happened... (none / 0) (#6)
    by DMOnline on Fri Feb 06, 2009 at 04:52:04 PM EST
    i.e. Al Franken...

    But I have to agree with the others that there are far bigger Dem big-wigs that would make for better candidates.  Jenny is such a light weight intellectually that emboldened Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee would chew her up and spit her out.

    I feel bad for Jenny.  She is so desperate to get out of her current job.  She hates it.  And she must be bruising from being dissed by the Disser in Chief for any position in his administration.


    Ah, where's James Cameron when we need him... (none / 0) (#7)
    by KG One on Sat Feb 07, 2009 at 04:00:59 AM EST
    ...I'd love to get my hands on a "real" M41A pulse rifle, but I digress.

    I'll take all of these rumors pf the guv jumping ship with a grain of salt until I hear otherwise.

    Reason being: I distinctly recall similar comments being tossed about regarding her being tapped for labor sec. not too long back. I also understand that her appointment on the chosen ones economic advisory committee was also short-lived.

    And Debbie Spenditnow's potential tapping for HHS Sec. and subsequent opening of her senate seat, look at it this way, it could be worse.

    A similar situation occurred in Alaska back around 2002 when then Sen. Murkowski was elected governor, and appointed his own daughter as his replacement.

    Sen. Daniel Granholm Mulhern, anyone?

    Silver linings (none / 0) (#8)
    by Hershblogger on Sat Feb 07, 2009 at 04:57:23 PM EST
    1- Granholm is gone from Michigan.  Cherry is not going to be able to do anything to improve his chances of replacing her.  More likely, he'll be revealed as a male Granholm clone.  The sooner the better.

    2- She is better on SCOTUS than Justice Ginsberg, who it appears she'd be most likely to replace and much better than other leftists Obama might consider.

    3- As a Senator Granholm would be an improvement on Debbie Stabenow simply because Granholm has enough brain power to be able to blow her own nose. Her husband might still
    call into WJR
    on occasion rather than simply being
    with prostitutes who charge by the quarter-hour.

    At least (none / 0) (#9)
    by Crippy on Sun Feb 08, 2009 at 11:49:16 AM EST
    as governor the infection that is Granholm is confined, somewhat, to Michigan.  Moving her to the senate or supreme court unleashes this "putrid fever" upon the whole country.

    God help us!

    It appears the Czarina loses again.... (none / 0) (#10)
    by LookingforReagan on Mon Feb 09, 2009 at 11:57:19 AM EST
    This story from The American Spectator reveals the three people that the Obama Administration is vetting for a possible replacement for Ruth Bader Ginsberg.http://spectator.org/archives/2009/02/09/in-moderation. And the good news is none of the three are Jennifer Granholm.

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