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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Well, (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Fri Feb 06, 2009 at 01:23:36 PM EST
    This has been brought up before. I remember posting the fear that if Obama were elected then maybe Hillary or Granmole or both would be nominated to fill any vacancies on the high court. The other possible open seat would be that of J.P. Stevens. He has been rumored for some time to be wanting to retire. So there is the chance that Obama would be willing to pay off the Czarina with the seat. But what are her qualifications. She was NOT a good or even an adequate AG.She has nevered argued a case before the High Court. I don't believe she ever argued before the State Supreme Court. But being imcompetent and unqualified never stopped the Liberal Democrats. I mean look at the man that now passes for Presidential material. A man that never did anything or ran anything and never accomplished anything but turn a speech into a campaign theme that to many people fell for.
    I think if the Obama people come to Michigan and see how really reviled this woman is they may not want the backlash. I think we can confidently say that Obama will be a one term disaster like Jimmah Carter. But then Granholm is the female version of the Peanut President.
    I still don't think it will happen. To many other big Libs out there at the head of the line. Granholm won't make the cut.

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