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      Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

      Raise the curtain.

      My Declaration of Independence!

      By Wendy Day, Section News
      Posted on Tue May 13, 2008 at 01:52:18 PM EST
      Tags: (all tags)

      The cycle of the body politic progresses like this:

      From bondage to spiritual faith
      From spiritual faith to courage
      From courage to freedom
      From freedom to abundance
      From abundance to selfishness
      From selfishness to complacency
      From complacency to apathy
      From apathy to fear
      From fear to dependency
      From dependency to bondage

      So where are we?

      Read on...

      In 1775 America declared her break from the bondage that Britain had imposed.

      That declaration of freedom was induced and followed by great spiritual faith. The signers of the Declaration of Independence put their lives on the line. Our American soldiers fought against the British forces when they were out numbered and out gunned.  The courage our founding fathers displayed has made them heroes even today.

      America has seen great abundance. We have enjoyed the strongest economy and highest standard of living in the world. Many would argue that the abundance we have enjoyed has lead to the selfishness we have seen in the past 50-years. That selfishness has given way to complacency and apathy.  Many don't even feel that America is worth protecting and fighting for. What a shame.

      As a country we are living in a time when fear has gripped us. We are told to be fearful of terrorists (for good reason), global warming, high gas prices, and a shaky economy.  

      So will we descend into dependency and bondage? Or can we buck the cycle and move forward to spiritual truth and freedom?

      The upcoming election will be a good indicator of the direction we are headed. One candidate offers us bigger government and greater dependence on that government. Obama speaks to the fears of people struggling to make ends meet with a cheap imitation of spiritual truth. His "truth" will lead to dependence, not freedom. His "truth" is a lie that government can solve the problems created by individuals.  Government has rarely been the solution to anything.

      Until recently, my plan had been to vote for McCain but not work for him. If Obama gets the nomination from the Democrats, I will be knocking on our local party headquarters right away asking for a McCain bumper sticker.  While Hilary isn't much better than Obama, she will likely spend her four years in office trying to control her husband.  

      Our country has fought too hard and come too far to be taken into bondage without a fight. For me, that fight starts with this election cycle.   I may not agree with McCain on every issue, but he is at least walking in the right direction.  Now if he would just pick the right running mate......
      Consider this my Declaration of Freedom!

      < The Blame Game | McCain the "Scientist" >

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      Until Mackinac last year, I was staying home (none / 0) (#1)
      by Republican Michigander on Tue May 13, 2008 at 05:27:04 PM EST
      Until around the Mackinac conference last year, I wasn't going to even vote for McCain. Now I think he's better than Bush at least, although I'm not his biggest fan either. At least McCain is against pork spending. He wasn't my first choice, but he wasn't my last choice either, that being Giuliani (Social) and Huckabee (fiscal).

      But to me it's one issue. It's the Supreme Court. McCain voted for Roberts and Alito, as well as Thomas. He has Ted Olson and Dan Coates as advisors. I think we have a 25% chance of Souter, 40% chance of Kennedy, and 35% chance of a Roberts from him. That's better than Obama, where it is a 100% chance of a Breyer.

      we gotta slow the train down before we can change (none / 0) (#2)
      by goppartyreptile on Tue May 13, 2008 at 07:20:05 PM EST
      Stay home or vote for a third party, you are handing the election to a group of folks that will most certainly do everything they can to go against what this country stands for.

      And once they get things passed, those things never get undone.  I take that back, as of 1996 or so we are no longer paying a surcharge on our phones to fund the Spanish American War...

      McCain ain't perfect, the GOP ain't perfect, but they are the best we've got.  And we can work to get them to do what we want.

      Nice article, Wendy! (none / 0) (#3)
      by maidintheus on Tue May 13, 2008 at 08:37:03 PM EST
      I would never stay home and not vote. It wouldn't be a good idea to vote for an unelectable either. Compromise is key and much better then allowing something much worse by default.

      "From selfishness to complacency
      From complacency to apathy
      From apathy to fear
      From fear to dependency
      From dependency to bondage"

      I'm having a hard time choosing. A bit of all the above. I know the direction I want to go though.

      McCain musings... (none / 0) (#4)
      by KG One on Wed May 14, 2008 at 01:38:20 AM EST
      My take on McCain is that he is too much of a wild card to really be trusted.

      His military record aside, his time spent in office has demonstrated that he cannot be trusted when push comes to shove.

      For example:

      • On fiscal matters, remember the "Keating Five"? Well guess what? He was one of those five. Those of you not familiar with this should research a little history. Not the actions of a man who exercises good judgement.

      • Taxes? He opposed the Bush tax cuts. But after some prodding by his handlers, apparently, he's having second thoughts on that position now.

      • On national sovereignty, he supported amnesty for illegal aliens.

      • On freedom of speech (or limited government, if you will). McCain-Feingold Act...need I say more?

      A democrat and 2 socialists (none / 0) (#5)
      by Wendy Day on Thu May 15, 2008 at 07:12:29 AM EST
      I know what you are saying. McCain acts like a Democrat. Hillary and Obama could run on the socialist ticket.

      So what do we do? I sure hope McCain picks a good running mate.

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