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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    The Blame Game

    By Chazwald, Section News
    Posted on Tue May 13, 2008 at 11:40:53 AM EST
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    Obama's recent setbacks are of his own making; of course Barack blames racism. If you haven't already heard it, I am sure you are beginning to now. The accusatory hymn, I reckon, will only gain more steam between now and the Democratic National Convention.

    The accusation will be that we are a racist nation, and that when we were offered the "golden opportunity" to select a striking minority candidate, we are prone to flunk the test. We need to avoid such embarrassment, right? Jump on the bandwagon and express your tolerant spirit!

    Can't you envision little American children from minority families looking at the picture of the first minority president hanging on the walls of their home next to other American hero's such as Martin Luther King, Jr., and respond, "I could be president some day!" What a boon it might be for children and teenagers alike in other nations to see a newly elected minority. Foreign relations could be impacted positively in the future.

    Unfortunately, as positive as that may seem, that is only part of the scenario. The cost of attaining such joyful consequences would be an Obama schema that would be inaptly expensive, both in stipulations of cash and policy. I see an America that does want to elect its first minority president - if merely the first plausible minority candidate for office would exhibit adequate veracity to merit election. I take no issue, as well as the majority of voters, with electing a minority president, black, white, female, or male. But I do take issue with an incompetent presidential hopeful who would not institute an impartial, even administration that would characterize all Americans.

    Obama's train has not beem losing momentum in the last few weeks because of racist America but instead it is because of his extremism of his own doing. It is a lifetime of perpetual extremism that he has been concealing from the American constituents.

    Even the very bipartisan National Journal ranked Barack Hussein, last year, as the most liberal of all 100 members in the United States Senate, earning him first place. Congratulations Barackstar!

    I beg of you, scrutinize Barack's short seated Senate record. Obama's locomotive runs not on coal (though I believe Santa will be delivering that to him later this year), but on change. Wouldn't it be nice if all people lived in peace together? Obama is asking you to believe. But if you truly examine his record you will soon discover not a single peace of legislation that ever lay upon his desk comes close to uniting a culture. As the deeper into the primary we befall, the more divisive and line drawn we have seen Obama become.

    In no way am I dismissing racism, I believe there is still some white racism out there just as there is black racism, however voting someone in because they are black or because they are a woman would be discrimination in itself. You must base who you are voting in, on issues of substance and what you believe, not appearances.

    Racism isn't what is to blame for Barack's slow down, it is the hypocrisy of his past that is catching up to him. My advice to you today stems from the lyrics of one of my favorite Josh Turner songs:

    There's a long black train,
    Comin' down the line,
    Feedin' off the souls that are lost and cryin',
    Rails of sin, only evil remains
    Watch out brother for that Long Black Train

    Well, I can hear the whistle from a mile away,
    It sounds so good
    But I must stay away
    That train is a beauty, makin' everybody stare
    But its only destination is the middle of nowhere

    -Chaz Oswald

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