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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    The answer is clear! (3.00 / 2) (#22)
    by LookingforReagan on Tue Sep 04, 2012 at 01:37:41 AM EST
    Where is the problem? The answer is clear. We form a party of our own as I have advocated for many years. Even before finding the pages of this web site. If the gutless morons that fancy themselves as smart want to keep running candidates that we detest, insist on holding open primaries to ensure that when things look tight for their chosen golden candidate of the moment they can get their philosophic twins on the left to come over and help get the "proper" candidate across the finish line as they did with McAmnesty and Jennirick Snydholm that is fine. Leave that Geriatric Old Party to whither and die. Let rise in it's place a vibrant new party of Conservative ideas. The Rockefeller and Country Club types have made it clear for decades that we aren't wanted. Fine. They can't win without us. But then that isn't the goal. They are more then willing to go back to the days when Bob Michaels was House Minority leader with 135 Republicans in the House and a perpetual minority in the Senate. When the best that Republicans could hope for was to be invited to play golf on occasion and maybe a luncheon invite when some minor functionary was on the hill. Yes, the Republican elite longs for the good old days of defeat and irrelevance. When they could just go along to get along and be happy with the crumbs from the Socialist table of the Democrats. If that is what they aspire to then fine. We don't have to accept that. We can form another party as did the disaffected did in 1854 with the formation of the Republican Party.Times have changed but the Republican party refuses to accept and embrace those changes. From the Reagan Revolution to the Tea Party onslaught they refuse to accept the Conservative wing of this party. Time for us to go. To the comment " We will have no home." Then the time has come for us to go out on our own and build our own house.

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