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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Let me also (none / 0) (#12)
    by grannynanny on Sat Mar 12, 2011 at 04:06:39 PM EST
    fill you in on an incident that is near and dear to my heart.

    Last year a co-worker of my husband's broke into our home and stole pain killer's that my husband had from a surgery and money.  Not once, but several times.  We caught him by using our Skype camera.  The chief of police called the local newspaper and gave them the police report and file on the whole incident.  It was headlines in the newspaper the next day.  The "journalist" had our private phone numbers and repeatedly called us looking for a comment on the story.  In the mean time the guy who broke into our house was released from custody and we were truly afraid because of the publicity.  When has it become the job of the police department to provide "interesting" news stories to the local rag?

    Our complaints to the police department were met with indignation.  Because we came up with the plan to catch him using Skype the police chief "thought" it was great human interest story.  He was not much concerned with our safety.  He actually hung up on me.  I was pissed to say the least.  The investigating detective was not even interested in our concerns either.

    Law enforcement as we knew it growing up will never be again.  They are prostituting themselves for public support and "feel good stories" at the expense of public safety.  I don't feel very safe anymore and I can barely stand the sight of our local patrol cars that so "proudly" display "to serve and protect".


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