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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Uhh...no (none / 0) (#14)
    by Seth9 on Wed Sep 08, 2010 at 02:38:30 AM EST
    1. The federal reserve is audited regularly. Details can be found here.

    2. The Democrats decided not to support Paul's proposal when they realized that this would mean looking over every inch of the stimulus. Because the stimulus isn't exactly the most popular thing at the moment, every impropriety (and there's bound to be a few with that much money involved) would turn into a miniature scandal that would harm the Democrats. The Democrats certainly want oversight of the Fed (which does actually exist), but they don't want any dirty laundry over there revealed in a highly publicized manner, as they would be blamed. Hence, the withdrawal of their support.

    3. The proposal you originally cited was absolutely nuts. It implied that Michigan would be better off with its own currency and financial system. In addition to having a strong secessionist bend, it would mean concentrating even more power over the wellbeing of Michigan's economy in the hands of our state government. Given how badly our legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government have performed this decade in comparison to other states, we really don't need to give them more power over our wellbeing.

    4. Creating a state bank would be an absolute disaster in Michigan because it would more likely than not be subjected to the whims of an incredibly partisan state government, which would inhibit it from functioning in a remotely sensible manner. This is something we simply do not need.

    Of all the proposals thrown around this campaign, a state bank is probably the worst. If it ever came to fruition, it would spell disaster for our state. As a moderate, I chose to vote for Snyder in the primary, but I would think that anyone who calls himself a conservative would refuse to vote for a candidate who supports a state bank of Michigan.


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