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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    More Than Crisis Management (none / 0) (#3)
    by Bruce on Fri Jul 16, 2010 at 11:38:02 AM EST
    I'd really like each candidate to pick the five most important actions he would take and explain how he would implement them.

    Mike Cox, for example, has 92 points. All well and good, but let's prioritize based on the old 80-20 rule of results versus effort.  We don't need 10 generalities, we need specifics... "these are the very top priorities and this is how they will be tackled."

    This would provide a "means test" for each candidate by which he would be measure against:

    a. other candidates
    b. voters priorities
    c. reality

    For example, "Bring new jobs to Michigan" means little without addressing the reasons that Michigan has lost jobs over two decades.  What is the one [or two] most important change that can be implemented which will positively impact jobs in Michigan?

    That becomes the starting point for debate and assessment.  It can sound good, but can it be done?

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