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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Doo Dah, Doo, Dah (none / 0) (#13)
    by restricted on Sun Feb 14, 2010 at 12:17:53 PM EST
    The entire mindset of our state government must evolve to not argue replacement of revenue but the reduction of spending. Has our budgetary number decreased or increased? Is the number this year smaller than last? These are easy, rudimentary concepts, but they seem to evade the political structure on both sides intent on its self preservation through shifts and shuffles of tax dollars instead of the leadership in decision making needed to downsize government. A stellar example in the Republican Party is my Senator, Patty Burkholz. If I recall correctly, she was one of only three Republicans to vote for the largest tax increase in our state's history. Senate leader Bishop then did absolutely nothing in response to her vote and let her keep her committee chairmanship. We either have players or we don't. The Eaton County Republican web site to this day states "In her capacity, Eaton County has been has been ably served by State Senator Patty Burkholz". Bull, BIG BULL!! And neither has Allegan, nor Barry Counties. Chameleons in their own right, RINOs like Patty need to be excommunicated from any political office with an "R" by their name. The voting public is aware, paying attention, and expecting results from the rhetoric, not head fakes and obfuscation. We want results, not promises.

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