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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Go read a history book (none / 0) (#9)
    by stevenstmason on Thu Jul 02, 2009 at 12:56:56 AM EST
    The Civil Rights act passed after the adoption of the 14th Amendment made it clear that the Congress had the power to outlaw discrimination on the basis of race by individuals and private businesses. It was an activist conservative Supreme Court that struck down those laws even though they were entirely consistent with the adoption and language of the 14th Amendment. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a half-way measure to rectify the wrongs done by those activist conservative Supreme Court justices so many years before.

    Even a conservative can see the historical fraud that some on the modern Supreme Court are engaging in this case.

    "To conclude that New Haven acted unconstitutionally is to assume that the Constitution's 14th Amendment mandated a policy of strict colorblindness by state and local governments. Maybe it should have. But the historical evidence that it did is weak. Certainly the conservatives on the Supreme Court have not tried to argue that it did: originalist analysis has been notably absent from their opinions in affirmative-action cases.

    Judicial restraint has also been absent. That virtue is best understood as a finger on the scales, tipping judges in close cases against invalidating the actions of Congress or state or local governments. To invalidate laws without a strong argument that the Constitution requires doing so is precisely what conservatives usually mean by "judicial activism.""



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