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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Catch-22 (none / 0) (#1)
    by Rougman on Fri May 22, 2009 at 09:57:50 AM EST
    Those who are adamantly pro-regulation tend to be vehemently anti-corporation.  This is not always the case but most people who support the regulation of all things do so out of a severe distrust of who the determine is greedy.

    These two thoughts are, in the real world, directly opposed to one other, or at least they are to those that do not have squirrels running around in their heads.  

    Big government demanding big regulation creates a commercial atmosphere in which only the largest corporate bureaucracies can operate.  How many small pharmaceutical companies can afford to bring a new drug to market?  How many small oil companies can pay the $500,000 a day it costs to operate a drilling platform in the deep water gulf?  How many small corporations or individuals could ever afford to bring a new car to market with all the regulations? Here in Michigan we even have our state government openly advocating policy that virtually guarantees a monopoly for our two largest energy suppliers.  Do these people not even sense a problem with this?

    The incessant blathering I hear about not having enough regulations would be a lot easier to listen to if it wasn't for the deathly weight of regulation keeping many of our largest corporations from facing the natural competition that a true free-market economy would create.

    The catch-22 goes something like this.  The big corporations are so big and so greedy that we must create regulations that only the biggest and greediest of corporations can afford to comply with. Few else can even consider getting into the game.

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