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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Anonymous Hero.. Who? What? Where? (none / 0) (#7)
    by Bridget on Sun Mar 18, 2007 at 12:35:14 PM EST
    Dear Anonymous Hero...

    There is a very good reason you won't give your name when you write on sites such as this, you are willing to say nasty things, but you have no courage to be open about who you are when you say those things.

    So, be anonymous. Readers are clear that with the words you speak and the things you think, it is important to remain anonymous. No one with any respect and dignity for themselves and others would come out openly and speak as you do. Your shame is understandable.

    As for having hero in your name, I politely request you consider removing that section of your name. Your less than flattering and positive take on things makes it clear that you have done nothing to earn such a serious title.

    Those who truely do heroic acts deserve that description:

    fire fighters rescuing families from deadly fires

    police officers answering buglaries, robberies, domestic abuse cases and murder scenes and trying to keep the peace

    ambulance drivers answering calls of life and death 24 hours a day - rain, snow or shine

    medical professionals saving lives in hospital rooms and emergency centers around this country every minute of every day

    our military men and women standing strong and proud on nearly every continent of this world keeping the peace when they can and removing those who would kill us if we don't stand up for ourselves and others unable to do so

    and finally, mothers and fathers who are hopefully raising raising the next generation of children who will treat the world and it's citizens with dignity, respect, kindness and an open mind even with those we disagree....children who hopefully, won't talk and think and act as you do to others.

    Those are our everyday heros - they earn the title. You don't.

    If you are capable of having a real discussion on serious issues, I'm sure your thoughts would be welcome. Otherwise, you are talking to the wind.

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