By The Wizard of Laws, Section News
Posted on Sat Mar 03, 2012 at 12:47:55 PM EST
Tags: city, Credentials Committee, debate, Enchanted Mitten, Freedom, GOP, hill, Michigan, Republicans, Romney, Ronald Reagan, Santorum, shining (all tags)
Dear Michigan Republicans:
Stop it. All of it. Just stop.
It is truly amazing how we pay lip service to unity, then immediately turn around and try to tear each other apart. This gives aid and comfort to the enemy, and it stokes the mistrust that so characterizes our current political process.
The negative campaigning, the dirty tricks, the middle-of-the-night meetings that rewrite the rule book - does it matter? In the long run (meaning about six months from now), will any of this matter?
(7 comments, 770 words in story) Full Story