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    Tag: right to work (page 2)

    Congratulations, Snyder!

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Dec 06, 2012 at 11:51:17 AM EST
    Tags: Rick Snyder, Right To Work, Michigan 24th State (all tags)

    About damn time.

    via MCC

    Michigan Governor Rick Snyder said today that a bill will be introduced that would make Michigan the nation's 24th right-to-work state.

    "When it arrives on my desk, I plan on signing it," he said.

    In a press conference with the House and Senate Majority leaders and three union members, the Governor suggested that a bill would be introduced today.


    Must've been painful for the Governerd, with all that sitting on center ice bench warming.  Doh!  Bad hockey reference: that goonion that takes 53% revenue, and it still isn't enough is on strike again.  Nice monster you created 55 years ago, Teddy.

    (5 comments) Comments >>

    Richardville Ready For RTW

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Nov 16, 2012 at 08:35:35 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Right To Work, Freedom To Work, Randy Richardville, State Senate, End Of Labor Control, Workplace Choice, Free Will, Economic Recovery (all tags)

    Of course we will believe when we see it.

    However, this important legislation protecting workers choices would be the shot in the arm for a still ailing Michigan economy.  It would create a more competitive atmosphere not only with other states, but would allow the global competitiveness we have previously enjoyed to return.  Its about time we do this, yet have faced a number of obstacles that ought not have been there.  The election clarified the will of the people sufficiently enough to understand that they are tired of having Michigan run by a few elite labor bosses, and its time for a change.

    So when Jack Hoogendyk sends out this note:

    "With all this compelling data, and circumstances being as ideal as they have ever been, what is holding up the legislation that has already been written, from being introduced in the House and the Senate?

    The answer is apparently NOTHING. The Majority Leader of the Senate, Randy Richardville has previously gone on record opposing RTW in Michigan. But, last week, I received a communication from one of the members of the Republican Senate caucus. Here is what he told me: [Mr. Richardville] has supported RTW in the public sector and has pledged to whip the caucus on RTW in the private sector. Individually and as a caucus we strongly appreciate the openness of the SML (Senate Majority Leader) to member input.  

    It is time to thank the Majority Leader for his willingness to give his caucus the opportunity to consider a vote on this pending legislation. Please contact Randy Richardville here and thank him. And then, contact your State Senator and express your support for making Michigan a Freedom-to-Work state and putting Michigan back on the map as the place to build a business!


    Jack Hoogendyk"

    It offers a little hope.

    We'll take it where we can.

    (6 comments) Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    2012 Analysis: Ballot Propositions

    By Conservative First, Section News
    Posted on Fri Nov 09, 2012 at 01:07:36 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan Constitution, ballot proposition, right to work (all tags)

    All six 2012 Michigan ballot propositions failed.  Most of them weren't even close.  Here are the numbers.

    Michigan ballot issues and judicial races

    1. No 52% (emergency managers)
    2. No 58% (collective bargaining)
    3. No 63% (energy mandate)
    4. No 57% (SEIU forced unionization)
    5. No 69% (2/3 to raise taxes)
    6. No 60% (Detroit/Canada bridge)

    The "Vote NO on everything" campaign was very effective.  The message was that special interests were trying to hijack Michigan's constitution.

    Newspaper endorsements were also helpful. They don't change many votes in partisan races, but they can make a big difference when people don't know what a proposal is really about. The Detroit News, Free Press, and Mlive papers all endorsed yes on 1, no on the rest.

    (4 comments, 663 words in story) Full Story

    2012 Michigan Ballot Propositions

    By Conservative First, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jul 26, 2012 at 10:13:58 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan constitution, ballot proposition, Right to Work (all tags)

    There will be up to seven propositions on the ballot in Michigan in November, subject to signature verification and legal challenges.

    Special interests spend millions on Michigan ballot initiatives

    1. First is a referendum on the expanded emergency manager law passed by the legislature last year. The law allows emergency managers in distressed municipalities to rewrite union contracts; opposition comes mainly from public sector unions. A yes vote is needed to retain the law. Supporters chose not to preclear their petitions, and the proposition was not approved by the state Board of Canvassers due to a font size error. The issue is currently in the courts.

    (1 comment, 512 words in story) Full Story

    Ready For The Breitbart Challenge Leader Richardville?

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Mar 06, 2012 at 01:56:28 PM EST
    Tags: Modus opeRandy, Feeding the Lefts Coffers, SEIU, Occupy, No Confidence Vote, Michigan, Right To Work, Unions, Graduate Students, U of M, Dog Treats, Pale Pastel, Did I mention the needed No Confidence Vote?, Breitbart (all tags)

    The longer that Leader Richardville sits on the Senate vote of HB 4003, which has been discharged since 12/01/11 without amendment from the Committee on Reforms, Restructuring and Reinventing, the more millions the SEIU has in its war chest.  The more millions Leader Richardville allows in the SEIU coffer, the more the SEIU is able to put feet on the ground for the DNC's Occupy.

    Exclusive: SEIU Helps Occupy 'Abolish Capitalism'

    Which team are you on, Leader Richardville?

    Comments >>

    Attaboy Randy!

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Fri Feb 24, 2012 at 08:49:22 AM EST
    Tags: Modus opeRandy, Feeding the Lefts Coffers, No Confidence Vote, Michigan, Right To Work, Unions, Graduate Students, U of M, Dog Treats, Pale Pastel, Did I mention the needed No Confidence Vote? (all tags)

    via MCC

    Michigan's Republican-controlled Senate is reaching a milestone.

    As of Feb. 24, the Senate -- by its inaction to pass a bill that would end the "Home Health Care Dues Skim" -- will have enriched union coffers by $4 million.

    This "skim" resulted from a union scheme perpetrated while Jennifer Granholm was governor. The plan used a dummy employer and a stealth election to railroad 43,000 so-called home health care workers into the Service Employees International Union. That 43,000 has now swollen to 56,442.

    Rest here

    Like in yesterdays topic...  Here's your attaboy Senate toadies.  Cheers!

    (3 comments) Comments >>

    Throwing A Bone

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Feb 23, 2012 at 08:17:15 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Right To Work, Unions, Graduate Students, U of M, Dog Treats (all tags)


    Michigan Senate majority leader Randy Richardville stood up tough to those big bad unions!

    SB 0971 which amends 1947 PA 336 puts the hammer down on public unions trying to organize those loose knit university graduate students.  By golly, they had better apply that IRS approval process to determine whether the position can be dragged kicking and screaming into big labor subjugation! :

    "(iii) An individual serving as a graduate student research assistant or in an equivalent position and any individual whose position does not have sufficient indicia of an <<employER-EMPLOYEE relationship using the 20-factor test announced by the internal revenue service of the United States department of treasury in revenue ruling 87-41, 1987-1 C.B. 296>> is not a public employee entitled to representation or collective bargaining rights under this act."

    Tough guy huh?

    OK you radical Right Wing anti-union types, don't eat that calcified munchie all in one sitting, OK?

    In other news, Richardville is looking to sponsor Right-To-Look-For-Work legislation.

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    While The Nerd Goes Out On Fatty Patrol, Republican Legislators Are Left Twisting In The Wind

    By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Mon Sep 12, 2011 at 07:56:23 PM EST
    Tags: Governor Snyder, Nanny Lansing, Right To Work, Recalls, Nerd Says You're On Your Own (all tags)

    (12 comments) Comments >>

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