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    Tag: Paul Welday

    Itching Ears and Mad Prophets

    By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jan 22, 2014 at 09:06:46 AM EST
    Tags: Dave Agema, Republican National Committee, Republican National Platform, gay marriage, illegal immigration, creeping sharia, "itching ear disorder", donor blacklisting, smear campaign, selective outrage, Reductio ad Hitlerum, forced affirmation, Saul Anuzis, Ken Braun, Betsy DeVos, Leon Drolet, Nolan Finley, Kathy Hoekstra, Dennis Lennox, Paul Welday, L. Brooks Patterson, Rick Snyder (all tags)

    My pastor, when he's discussing contemporary culture from either the sanctuary pulpit or the classroom lectern, likes to refer to what he calls, "itching ear disorder."  The primary Scripture reference is 2 Timothy 4:3-4, referring to a time when people will have no further interest in the truth, and won't tolerate listening to anything that contradicts their philosophical predispositions.  As a student of Scripture, I can say with some certainty that the prophets and apostles were well acquainted with this disorder.  Hosea even wrote about a time when hostility against the truth would become so great that those who insist on speaking it would be considered fools and maniacs.  According to a disputed George Orwell quote ("In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.  The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those that speak it."), "itching ear disorder" isn't exactly an unusual condition in the human experience.

    And this brings us to the current philosophical skirmish involving Michigan's Republican National Committeeman, which involves the latest escalation by some unsavory elements within the Michigan Republican Party, who seem to be in a desperate quest to reclaim lost relevance.

    (12 comments, 1588 words in story) Full Story

    Twitiot Of The Day: Oakland Co. Edition

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jan 14, 2014 at 07:40:29 PM EST
    Tags: Paul Welday, Oakland County, 11th District Republican Star Chamber, Establishment Games (all tags)

    Part of CD-11's Star Chamber has embarrassed himself, yet again.


    #RNC Member Dave Agema launches new broadside at old targets. It's a disgrace. #enoughisenough #doesntspeakforme bit.ly/19r0K9h

    8:32 PM - 13 Jan 14

    Want to discuss what is a real disgrace within the MI-GOP, Paul?


    Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Elitist GOP Factions Shoot Both Feet

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Oct 25, 2013 at 12:39:49 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Camp, Benishek, Rogers, Upton, GOP, Vichy Republicans, Elitists, Paul Welday, Greg McNeilly, David Trott, Aim Low, Obamacare, No Fight Worth Having, Ron Weiser, Dick DeVos, RTW, Rick Snyder, Cronyism, Tea Party, Consitutional, Conservatives, Wackos, Wacko Birds, Foot, Lead Poisoning (all tags)

    Its pretty bad when a KOS contributor decorates the wall of RightMichigan.com with an underlying truth.

    In the side twitter bar the question

    "What? After paying for #AFP/#RTW #Tentgate 2012 Dick DeVos' Greg McNeilly now anti-#MITeaParty?"


    Having been a part of the RTW/FTW effort, I must say I was quite pleased with the impetus placed on FTW in Dec 2012 by Dick DeVos and Ron Weiser, without which, it might never have happened.  But it isn't a free pass for the abuses laid out by operatives of the GOP, and in particular the MiGOP club which doubled down on the national slaparound the tea folk have been getting from media and complicit (Vichy) Republicans.

    December 2012 WAS important though. Snyder at the time might have even overcome a bit of the reaction to the Prop 2 debacle by Michigan's labor unions, but a reminder that anything he had done good was outweighed by cronyism, unilateral international transactions, and the promise of tax increases that moved him.  Truthfully, if not for Weiser and DeVos RTW might never have come to be.  It never was a part of Rick Snyder's agenda, and never really will be heart-fought from ongoing union boss opposition.

    Remember that.

    Something those two saw that the governor could care less about, was the strength of the Tea party movement within the GOP construct.  There was a very real possibility that the governor, sans a significant policy delivery to the base, would face a primary challenge (perhaps by the sitting AG) thus creating a divide in the 'acceptable' GOP hierarchy.  The AG, already on record as opposing the Obamacare Exchanges, Medicaid Expansion, and showing significant support among the Tea types worried the power brokers.

    And those "wackos" were brought under control, right?

    Continued below the fold

    (3 comments, 1241 words in story) Full Story

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