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    Tag: michigan legislature

    2012 ACU Michigan Legislature Ratings

    By Conservative First, Section News
    Posted on Wed Aug 29, 2012 at 03:03:36 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan legislature, American Conservative Union, Dave Agema, Joe Hune, Roy Schmidt (all tags)

    The American Conservative Union has long been the premier organization rating members of Congress on how conservative their voting records are.  Last year, ACU began rating state legislators on their voting records, and it recently released its first ratings of the Michigan state legislature.


    ACU rated 17 house votes and 18 senate votes from 2012.  Many of the bills are the same for both halves of the legislature.  Many of the bills are closely related to unions and education.

    Here are some notes on the results.

    (5 comments, 393 words in story) Full Story

    Waiting on the Jobs of Tomorrow

    By Rougman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Oct 22, 2009 at 12:35:31 AM EST
    Tags: Jennifer Granholm, Michigan legislature, jobs of tomorrow (all tags)

    cross posted at an incredulous Rougblog

    When did it become an accepted theory that government has the ability to create jobs in much the same manner that my kid sister used to pop out cool multicolored extrusions with her Playdoh Fun Factory?

    Nowadays, progressively bent government operatives assume that if they throw enough proper ingredients into a bowl and add a little flowery sentiment, they can force the concoction through a die and out the other side will come a never ending stream of gainfully employed citizens. Push this button and that button, keep a foot on this pedal, push two levers, flip three switches, turn a dial, make a hand in the armpit farting noise, and voilà!, you have a job of tomorrow!

    (6 comments, 1013 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Situation Normal: All Lansinged Up

    By Rougman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Oct 08, 2009 at 10:57:53 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan budget, Michigan legislature (all tags)

    cross posted at The Rougblog

    I'm not sure if anyone even knew this little fact or not, but Michigan law requires that legislators pass a balanced budget by September 30th of each year. I think it was on the news.

    What this means, of course, is that months before the legally mandated deadline arrives, the well oiled machine of benevolent government will draw closely together and make all the tough decisions necessary to smooth out a budget. All the "t"s should be crossed and all the "i"s dotted in plenty of time for the governor to sign her Jennifer Hancock on the bottom line long before lawmakers run afoul of the Michigan Constitution. Sure. Not since Kwame Kilpatrick was forced to vacate the Manoogian Mansion have so many lawbreakers been housed under one roof.

    In any case, after suffering through another almost annual national embarrassment on its failed budget (not to be confused with the monthly Michigan embarrassment that is Carl Levin, the weekly Michigan embarrassment that is Debbie Stabenow, or the daily Michigan embarrassment that is the entire city of Detroit) Michigan legislators have introduced a bill that will require its members to pass a budget by July 1st or have their pay docked.

    (8 comments, 1360 words in story) Full Story

    The Powerless North

    By Rougman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Sep 17, 2009 at 01:55:36 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan legislature (all tags)

    If you Michiganders have ever experienced the feeling that the political clout in your state is heavily weighted toward southeast Michigan, well, just look at Michigan's district maps. If I were to drop a political marble here in Oscoda County it would start with a creeping southward roll and pick up speed its entire journey until it plunked neatly into the waters of the Detroit River, pulling ever farther to the left the more southward it traveled.

    (45 comments, 605 words in story) Full Story

    Freedom and Bummers

    By Rougman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Aug 27, 2009 at 10:51:15 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan legislature, Gary McDowell (all tags)

    You will find me squarely in both the anti-smoking and the anti-anti-smoking legislation crowd. (I'm also anti-turnip but I'm not pursuing any laws against them.) You see, I don't smoke and don't much like smoking, but then again, I have disliked anal-retentive hall monitors since long before any of my coolest friends started lighting up.

    I take my own initiative and avoid smoking quite successfully. There is no smoking in my car, my house, or in my office, and when I venture into a smoking restaurant or into a smoker friend's house, I do so without dictating my demands to everyone already inside. (Humility obviously being one of my more impressive perfections.) I also believe that when it comes to private businesses and buildings, it is the owners of these establishments that should dictate which lawful activities take place inside, much like I do in my own home.

    In my book this is called freedom. A lot of sullen bureaucrats would call this a bummer.

    But this isn't really a post about smoking per se. It is instead about a novel tactical change being made by Michigan Rep. Gary McDowell in his enlightened crusade against evil bar owners while protecting a sub-class of citizens he feels is too challenged to get up and move a couple of bar stools farther away from a Lotto playing chain smoker.

    (2 comments, 1031 words in story) Full Story

    Things Can Always Get Worse Because They Already Are

    By Rougman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Aug 13, 2009 at 09:20:35 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan legislature, Granholm, budget (all tags)

    The news was not good when it came out of Lansing back in April.

    Oh, we knew we were broke, we just didn't realize how broke we actually were. In fact at that moment in time we had already stumbled head first into a $1.3 billion budget pit. It seems the state's unemployed had stopped paying taxes, the state's relocated citizens were buying their appliances within other borders, and the Michiganders still blessed with jobs were tight-fistedly hanging on to whatever money they had scratched together so that they could plop down their savings on state mandated rising energy prices.

    That sobering shortfall was covered through over $300 million in budget cuts combined with the reapplication of $1 billion of the federal stimulus money that was generously tossed our way because (as everyone knows) Washington DC does not have a budget problem. The rest of the stimulus money was set aside to be spent buying everyone in the house chamber an exquisite sugar sprinkled pastry to be served by Daniel Mulhern's indispensable personal staff.

    (1 comment, 792 words in story) Full Story

    Drunk driving demands targeted legislation

    By brandonhall, Section News
    Posted on Mon Aug 10, 2009 at 12:56:31 AM EST
    Tags: michigan legislature, secretary of state candidates, wayne kuipers (all tags)

    Heeding calls from concerned drivers, cops raced down US-31 near Holland on the morning of June 27 pursuing a severely reckless driver. Despite their heroic efforts, nineteen year old Holland resident Curtis Jacobs, training for a church bike trip, was struck when a drunk driver plowed through a red light. He later died at the hospital.

    (12 comments, 749 words in story) Full Story

    Choking, Propping, Hammering and Crippling Michigan to Success

    By Rougman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Aug 06, 2009 at 12:31:06 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan legislature, energy (all tags)

    (Geeked to the extreme to have the Rougman back on RightMichigan!)

    Last year the Michigan legislature passed a radical energy package that was designed to, among other things, force the two major electricity producers in this state to provide their customers with electricity that is at least ten percent generated through clean or renewable energy sources by 2015.

    I say force because it was a very tough sell.

    DTE and Consumer's Energy, as a result of their selfless generosity, were granted virtual monopolies in the areas they serve and as an added bonus, this time to consumers, the law allowed these benevolent utility behemoths to pass along rate increases to cover the costs of the more expensive alternate electricity. And you thought selling Michael Moore a Deep Fried Pastry of the Month Club membership was easy.

    (7 comments, 810 words in story) Full Story

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