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    Tag: membership

    Amash Should Be Primaried - Part III

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jan 12, 2012 at 12:18:55 AM EST
    Tags: fear, GOP, Primaries, Elite, Establishment, Ideas, Conservatives, Republicans, Strength, Weakness, Electability, Sporting, Membership, Excitement (all tags)

    Part III Whew.

    Welcome back.  Its part III.  And while Justin Amash may or may not "deserve" to be primaried, maybe its not such a bad idea. Right?

    Anyhow, I don't like to simply complain about things for which I have no answer. Though I may sometimes do so, its just not constructive.

    The bottom line is that with the way long time party elites, and the fresh stock of activists often clash, we have a dysfunctional mess.  Yes we all work together until at least one side is satisfied that there is no more advantage in doing so.  A situation that offers less opportunity for growth and advancement of either continuing political domination by the party power brokers OR for the strength of message that comes with core principled positions.  neither side winds up the winner for any longer term.  And it was only under the intense pressure of the circumstances that gave us the Tea Party, activist conservatives, and constitutional types which are willing to put up with the intense political bigotry found with the old guard.

    If the party elite has not figured it out, most of those new political activists don't really care about party dominance. Its more of a means to end the disregard of our constitution and traditional values.  They simply want their voices back and want to be heard.  Most would likely be perfectly happy watching professional politicos straighten it up.

    If only they would.

    There IS a way to satisfy all sides. There is a way in which the 'elite' within the party lose nothing, gain the help needed to enhance party dominance, risk little in trust built relationships, and see better results out of government.  All the while, new activists and party members are able to influence, assist, and return the party to the rule of law principles the very name 'Republican' originates. And it compromises no one's principles or desires for equal opportunity.

    I have stated or at least alluded to the concerns  either interest has. For the established members, its loss of power, both in the ranks occupying congress, and influence among local and state parties. For the 'insurgent' membership, it is the inability to wield influence in who represents true Republican and conservative principles.  Suspicions for the end result of either desire, making one side or the other incompatible.

    Not exactly the way to build a successful party.

    Finished below ~

    (5 comments, 1052 words in story) Full Story

    Michigan's Public Sector Unions Should Support MIFTW

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jul 26, 2011 at 10:11:54 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, MIFTW, Freedom To Work, Right To Work, Public, Private, Workers, Government, Recalls, Unions, Labor, Leadership, Membership (all tags)

    Michigan's public sector unions have had their hackles up since Snyder took over.

    Even though the new governor has not really done anything to directly harm the unions, what he has done has established some choke points which put union desires at risk.  Desires, which of course rely on fiscally imprudent decision making, in times that cannot afford such decisions.  His line in the sand has met the oncoming rush of contracts they would like to have in place, and the new limits are getting under their skin.  Add to this, the reality of future liabilities and a quest by Lansing to deal with it in the manner chosen has prompted them to action.

    Recalls, Protests, general aggravation.

    Its the only tools they have.  The leftist driven leadership of the unions only know how to "persuade" through coercive measures.  Coercive being a subjective term I admit, however.  All the actions being taken to object to the decision making in Lansing are of course legal right? Well perhaps not, but who might be the first to call out shenanigans and be seen as a partisan.

    But I digress

    I get it.  I get the reasons the union leadership is pushing their recall and protest agenda.

    more below ~

    (4 comments, 826 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Why I'm Glad Not To Belong To The VFW

    By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Thu Oct 21, 2010 at 02:51:20 PM EST
    Tags: Patriots, LTC Allen West, VFW, Membership (all tags)

    There's an increasing uproar happening within the membership of the VFW that I really wasn't aware of until I was pointed here.

    Getting questions and emails on whether we realize there is a difference between VFW and VFW-PAC.  Well, there is and there isn't.  Let me just say this- if the local VFW chapters, to include the states, are willing to let National allow their PAC to push this type of agenda and these types of candidates, well, bad on them for just standing by.  They should be rioting over it.  Holding their dues payments where they can.  Put pressure on National to adhere to what the LOCALS want, not what National may think 'is best'.  Because to do otherwise is utter bullshiite.

    To us, this is not an issue of VFW-PAC vs. VFW.  They are the same- don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    So, which politicians in Michigan is the VFW funneling monies to?

    (11 comments, 346 words in story) Full Story

    Carrying the Water and the Big Tent

    By pauldpeterson, Section News
    Posted on Tue Apr 27, 2010 at 04:35:52 PM EST
    Tags: GOP, Republican, primary, election, membership, paying_dues, Big_Tent (all tags)

    "We've carried the water." A troublesome expression often used by GOP leadership. While some people make this boast, it was you and me "digging the well". It's only now that we're discovering the water we sent with them has been spilled. Our labor has been wasted, our trust compromised and our authority ignored. When we pulled our heads out of the sand last year to see the fertile land our leadership was to have cultivated, we found instead a desert of dwindling capitalism, absent our conservative agenda.

    (2 comments, 504 words in story) Full Story

    GOP: "You Just Got Here"

    By pauldpeterson, Section News
    Posted on Tue Apr 27, 2010 at 03:34:11 PM EST
    Tags: GOP, Republican, primary, election, membership, paying_dues (all tags)

    In a predominantly Republican community (79th District) in a primary season, it's fitting to examine our Party in the name of unity, and in the wise spirit of humility, morality, and correction. We must being willing to check and adjust GOP behavior against Constitutional principles and ethics. We are, after all, a nation of laws (principles), not of men (personalities).

    When I decided to run for State Representative of Michigan's 79th district as a Republican, it was fitting that I join the party as a dues-paying member, and become more involved in local party politics.

    (12 comments, 554 words in story) Full Story

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