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    Tag: fraud

    Zero Tolerance

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Sun Jan 12, 2014 at 10:18:52 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Theft, Home Care, Fraud, SIEU, Bill Schuette, Graft, Corruption, Where Are The Charges? (all tags)

    Wondering why Jeniffer Granholm is still walking around a free woman tonight?

    Attorney General Bill Schuette on Friday announced felony charges against 11 individuals from across Michigan for allegedly abusing the Medicaid-funded Independent Living Services Program (Home Help Services Program). In many cases the defendants, who were often family members of the Medicaid beneficiaries, allegedly received checks for services rendered to the beneficiaries after they died.

    Schuette filed criminal charges against Ollie Brent, 59, of Pontiac; Marilyn Davis, 45, of Harper Woods; Janet Dixon, 59, of Grosse Pointe Woods; Anna Goree, 35, of Detroit; Theresa Hines, 40, of Marcellus; Kristina Jurek, 44, of Macomb; Selandra Jo Mitchell, 46, of Detroit; Marilyn Oakes, 57, of Muskegon;  Patricia Ann Tompkins, 65, of Roseville; Sherita Ware, 38, of Detroit; and Carla Williams, 44, of Pontiac.  All 11 defendants improperly received Medicaid funds intended to pay for home help services for Medicaid beneficiaries. In total, the 11 defendants defrauded the Medicaid program out of more than $60,000. Schuette says

     "Vulnerable adults across Michigan depend on Medicaid personal care services, but scammers who abuse the program threaten its integrity. The message is clear: we will not tolerate any form of health care fraud at the expense of patients and taxpayers."
    Damn straight!

    Now how about a little action for the 59,000 Home care workers who were defrauded of $35,000,000.00?


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    Thursdays Divertere: I think Welfare people should be able to smoke weed

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu May 23, 2013 at 07:58:38 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Drug Testing, HB 4610, Welfare, Pinnacle foods, Employment Insurance, UIA, Fraud, Cronyism, Blow, Progressive Punishment, MEDC, Bribery, Strategic Fund, Lobbyists, PAYDAY, Picking Winners, Stealing From The Taxpayers, Or politicians legally buying votes (all tags)

    As Mitt says, "Corporations are people, my friend."

    Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Out One Pocket - In The Other

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed May 22, 2013 at 08:01:12 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Pinnacle foods, Employment Insurance, UIA, Fraud, Cronyism, MEDC, PAYDAY, Picking Winners, Stealing From The Taxpayers (all tags)

    Have I ever mentioned I really dislike corporate cronyism?

    Its irritating to the core. So, after hearing that sixty two former employees of Pinnacle Foods (in Imlay Township) have been convicted and sentenced for unemployment fraud, I immediately wondered what might foster such an environment of this kind of cheating.  It was discovered that the former employees had been wrongfully collecting unemployment benefits while continuing to work. And in the end, all of the individuals convicted, were ordered to pay restitution totaling $960,012 to the State of Michigan.

    Shaun Thomas, acting director of the UIA said

    "Through great work of the Lapeer County Prosecutor's office, working together with our UIA investigators, we were able to bring these cases to justice and take another step toward rooting out UI fraud in Michigan. The UIA is serious about detecting and preventing fraud and will continue to work with partners such as the Lapeer County Prosecutor's Office to stop fraudulent schemes such as this one."
    It was a big deal.  Shaun?  Put your skills to work for Michigan taxpayers on some other stuff too OK? Consider A123 which was paying bonuses right up until it was sold to the Chinese for a convenient technology transfer.

    Those big dollars never came back did they?


    This Pinnacle UI fraud effort represents the largest single prosecution of unemployment fraud from one employer in Michigan history. But not the largest fraud that involves a company that has received money from bread winners and other business owners struggling to survive in an era of unprecedented regulatory nightmares and work place rules.

    But wait .. there is more!

    Continued below.

    (1 comment, 565 words in story) Full Story

    BREAKING! Hathaway Formal Complaint Filed

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Jan 07, 2013 at 03:25:51 PM EST
    Tags: Supreme Court, Corruption, Diane Hathaway, Lefty, Typical Liberal, Michigan, fraud, Money Laundering, Tax Evasion, Lying Under Oath, Judicial Tenure Commission (all tags)

    The Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission ("JTC") authorized and directed the filing of a complaint against the Hon. Diane Marie Hathaway, a Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court. The action is under the authority of the JTC under Article 6, Section 30 of the Michigan Constitution of 1963, as amended, and MCR 9.200 et seq.

    For fraud, Money laundering,tax evasion,lying under oath,.. little stuff like that.


    AND in the mean time, the Judicial Tenure Commission has indicated it would like the Supreme court to suspend the sitting Michigan Supreme Court Justice immediately.

    "The Judicial Tenure Commission, through its Examiner, requests that the Supreme Court give immediate consideration to its petition for interim suspension filed concurrently with this motion, based on the following:

    1. Respondent is, and at all material times was, a justice of the Supreme Court, State of Michigan.
    2. As a judge, Respondent is subject to all the duties and responsibilities imposed on her by the Michigan Supreme Court, including those under the Code of Judicial Conduct, and is subject to the standards for discipline set forth in MCR 9.104 and MCR 9.205.
    3. On January 7, 2013, the Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission (JTC) authorized a formal complaint (FC 91) against Hon. Diane Marie Hathaway (Respondent), currently a Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court1, and the filing of a Petition for Interim Suspension with the Supreme Court.


    1. The formal complaint and petition are also based on allegations that Respondent admitted to engaging in the fraudulent concealment of assets from potential creditors as to the Florida property, and misrepresentations to the Commission in the course of its investigation.
    2. The Supreme Court has scheduled oral arguments for Wednesday, January 9, 2013.
    3. In order to preserve the integrity of the judiciary and to protect the public, the petition for interim suspension should be considered and decided before that date.

    WHEREFORE, pursuant to MCR 7.313(A)(5), the Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission requests that this Honorable Court give immediate consideration to its Petition for Interim Suspension."
    A side note:  Respondent is disqualified from considering this motion. See MCR 2.003; MCR 9.204(A); In re Justin, 490 Mich 394 (2012).

    Ya think?

    She has 14 days in which to directly respond to the complaint.

    (3 comments) Comments >>


    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Nov 13, 2012 at 12:57:02 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Taxes, Government, Crony Capitalism, A123 Systems, Azure Dynamics, United Solar Ovonics, Evergreen Solar, MEDC, Paybacks, Waste, Fraud, Causes (all tags)

    Its whats for dinner.

    Continually feeding us the economic benefit angle of government intervention in free markets, leaders love to pad the wallets of their best buds in industry. To do so requires a "cause" however,as simply jacking the public treasury for personal gain is abhorrent to those on BOTH sides of the political divide. Climate change has become one of the easiest causes to gather around, because the science is so ambiguous, its been simply easier for governments to act and perhaps err on the side of caution.

    So we promote and enhance business models that are designed to combat climate change with other peoples' money. Also included in these 'causes' is the argument that "new jobs are created" with the development of such technology.  Such was the case with A123 Systems:

    "In 2009, A123 received millions in federal and state funds, for the creation of jobs for Michiganders. Taxpayers  unwillingly, or unwittingly saw their paychecks shrink for promises never realized, and now they may have ultimately subsidized a technology transfer to a competing world power."
    Which in fact is now happening.

    But the cherry in the pie is something even more disturbing.  Adding insult to injury, the failure to produce promised results for taxpayer paid incentives and gratuity is now lining the pockets of the failed executives who apparently understand private public partnerships better than the rest of us.

    Its a place where only the taxpayer loses:

    "The top executives who presided over its failure - and supported the president's cap-and-tax initiatives early in his term - are likely to receive millions of dollars in bonuses, thanks to their scheming earlier this year and a bankruptcy court judge."
    But wait.. there's more.

    Below the fold.

    (1 comment, 619 words in story) Full Story

    Campaign Secrecy?

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Oct 05, 2012 at 11:22:47 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Unions, Prop 2, Campaign Finance, SEIU, Force, Fraud, Michigan Quality Community Care Council, Prop 4, Theft, Stealing (all tags)

    The next time a lefty tells you they don't like some PACs because they 'hide' the campaign support systems, remind them to get their own houses in order.

    High-dollar political donors associated with Michigan's labor movement are encouraged and instructed on how to hide limitless, undisclosed campaign contributions in secret slush funds, according to a leaked letter and PowerPoint presentation being distributed by Andrew Nickelhoff, the union lawyer behind Proposal 2 and 4.

    The leaked private letter and PowerPoint stands in stark contrast to hypocritical public statements from supporters of Proposal 2, Nickelhoff's employers, who have insincerely and hypocritically called other organizations "shadowy."

    "The scheme by Proposal 2 and 4's attorney to solicit secret, undisclosed campaign contributions is another example of Prop 2 supporter's continuing pattern of deception and hypocisy," said Nick De Leeuw, Spokesman for Citizens Protecting Michigan's Constitution.  "Nickelhoff infamously told voters they'd simply have to "guess" what his deceptive ballot proposal would do; now he is caught instructing donors how to hide their contributions."

    In a letter dated May 9 and distributed to potential donors, Nickelhoff solicited and outlined in detail how high-dollar donors could contribute potentially millions of dollars to a secret slush fund without ever disclosing their identity.

    How clever..  Continued below.

    (917 words in story) Full Story

    On Prop 4

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Sat Sep 29, 2012 at 09:36:18 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Unions, SEIU, Force, Fraud, Michigan Quality Community Care Council, Prop 4, Theft, Stealing, Typical Democrat Scheme, Steal From The Poor (all tags)

    One of the most evil efforts by unions in recent times has got to be the Prop 4 initiative.

    Using the "Keep home care safe" canard, these rotten thieves are literally asking for permission from Michigan voters to steal from those who can least afford it.  They are asking voters to endorse a harder life for the handicapped, the unfortunate, and looking to kick them when they are down. A yes vote would be akin to removing the wheels from a paraplegic's chair.

    Under Jennifer Granholm, they (the unions and her administration) did it, and Snyder's failure to FIRE former head of community health Olga Dazzo right away gave these reprobates the courage to keep this farce alive through court action.  In the meantime families of those afflicted with debilitating conditions must suffer a little longer. The mass fraud her administration perpetrated, ought to have seen our former governor and her toadie lt. behind bars.

    Its that bad.

    Just imagine, life is clicking along fine, then something happens to a family member. Something that takes their ability to provide for themselves, or even perform the most rudimentary tasks.  A decision is made to either institutionalize them, (at great cost to the taxpayer typically) OR a career is suspended, and a job is given up by a family member to personally handle the situation.

    We have made the decision as a state that we will provide that safety net, as it meets the definition of truly needy. IF we are going to provide assistance, that is an appropriate use. The better alternative for taxpayers is chosen.  Keeping folks in their homes is by far less expensive, and offers the afflicted a dignity seldom found in the institutional environment. As family members take on those responsibilities, it quite obviously comes at a cost.  A stipend is provided by the state to pay those family members for the loss of income they incur.

    Then someone walks in the door and steals the silverware.

    Continued below ~

    (2 comments, 924 words in story) Full Story

    Sleep With Dogs You End Up With Fleas

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Aug 28, 2012 at 01:42:58 PM EST
    Tags: MiGOP, Bobby Schostak, backroom shenanigans, House Speaker Jase Bolger, Roy Schmidt, Matt Mojzak, 76th State House, Republicans, Party Change, Michigan Democratic Party, Mark Brewer, Tea Party, TEA Party wannabe, scandal, charges, arrested, convicted, slap on the wrist, Ruth Johnson, fraud, election integrity, Bill Schuette (all tags)

    via The Detroit News

    House Speaker Jase Bolger personally appealed Monday to Ingham County Circuit Court judges to reject a request to empanel a one-judge grand jury to investigate a foiled election-rigging scheme in a Kent County legislative district.

    Senate Democratic Leader Gretchen Whitmer and state party chairman Mark Brewer petitioned the court last week to launch its own probe into Bolger and state Rep. Roy Schmidt's attempt earlier this year to plant a fake Democrat in the 76th District and allow Schmidt to become a Republican with a patsy opponent.

    Kent County Prosecutor Bill Forsyth determined in July that no crime was committed after Schmidt's faux opponent, a 22-year-old friend of his son and nephew, dropped out of the race days after filing in May. But Democrats have called Forsyth's investigation into question after the Republican prosecutor acknowledged cancelling warrants to search Bolger's phone records and Schmidt's phone and email records.

    A Michigan State Police detective said he had probable cause that Bolger and Schmidt may have caused subornation of perjury by knowingly procuring Matthew Mojzak to commit perjury by falsely claiming to be a 76th District resident for at least 30 days prior to the May 15 filing date.

    Rest here

    Dropping the State Po-po investigation sure do create one of those "urban legend" nightmares for the MI-GOP.

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