By Political Agenda, Section News
Posted on Thu Nov 11, 2010 at 09:43:27 PM EST
Tags: Riots, Europe, Entitlement, Big Government (all tags)

Political Agenda with Danian Michael
Several weeks ago as I was heading into work, I noticed one of my co-workers driving his car with a problematic rear window: it wouldn't stay up. I've fixed this on some of my vehicles in the past--one of many things I've had to learn to do to save money. And so, knowing that I could save him a ton of money, I asked his permission to lend a hand. Helping my co-worker in this way was very gratifying. Being able to repay him for the countless favors he's done for me-- not to mention the look of gratitude on his face-- was payment enough. Helping others and being helped is indeed one the most emotionally gratifying things that we human beings can experience.
(5 comments, 970 words in story) Full Story