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    Tag: Dave Camp (page 3)

    A Method To The Madness

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Feb 20, 2013 at 09:00:48 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, The Power Of Congress, Congress, Candace Miller, Dave Camp, Bill Huizinga, Justin Amash, Mike Rogers, Dan Benishek, Tim Walberg, Fred Upton, Kerry Bentivolio (all tags)

    There is a reason I publish the press releases.

    It opens a dialogue to Michigan's representatives. Our folks who travel to that distant land to make the rules and spend our monies. They presumably speak and act for us, so its an opportunity to remind them of their mission, and the things they CAN do. They can subpoena, they can investigate, they can IMPEACH! But one thing that is as relevant as anything is in the financial end, and affects our prosperity.  So a question should be asked and answered.

    With Congress having the power of the purse, why on earth is the EPA, the NLRB, the BIA, HHS, DOE, DOE-2 (ed), and HUD still funded?

    I would argue that simply eliminating these agencies, we not only reduce or eliminate the deficits, but we also spark a new round of economic prosperity.  Each agency is a block in some way to innovation, individual rights, and the ability for the little guy to get ahead.

    • De-fund the EPA, and the producers can catch up to the overzealous regulatory controls.  Congress itself should have such power.
    • De-fund the NLRB, and the Job creators can stop worrying about the feds up their butt when staffing changes are necessary.  There is no constitutional allowance for the existence for the NLRB anyhow.
    • The BIA?  Why do we still have nations within our nation?  And why do we allow their citizens to participate in OUR election process when there is no way we could do the same. As an FYI, there are things that can be done on the RES that are not constitutional.
    • HHS holds the key to Obamacare.  If it is gone, so is Obamacare.  Why is it still operating? Could Candace Miller check that for us?  How about it Dave Camp? (Who said it was on the table when I asked in 2010)  DR. Dan? Mike? Justin? Fred? Kerry? Tim?!
    • The DOE has been around long enough to see to it that no nuclear power facilities are developed in decades, Coal resources are allowed to be blocked by the EPA, Natural resources are closed off to energy production, solar power is presented as a viable alternative and is mandated, and our technology is exported to competing world powers.  Higher energy cost due to its existence kill job creation. Whats not to love?
    • The DOE-2 (dept of education) offers no advantage over state directed curriculum.  It burdens our schools with dumbing-down CORE mandates, and funnels precious tax dollars to non performing institutions. It has no mandate under the constitution.  Schools are not a federal concern.
    • Finally, there is HUD. Under this monstrosity, the milking of America is complete. There is nothing that compares to a new subsidized housing project in a community that is once thriving, but then is overwhelmed by the type of people who occupy them.  Festering hives of poverty develop where HUD sets up shop. I have spoken to more than a few emergency workers who have experienced the urbanization of HUD.  Their towns and cites are in shambles.  The calls to these places of government largess are far in excess of those in suburbia or rural non planned environments.

    HUD is a cornerstone of A21 as well.  The leveling of America to the lowered European standards that the entire world should enjoy.  Communities are promised grant moneys through HUD to install their honeycombed urban dwellings in areas that have no need for the moneys. Naive local governments find these things hard to resist. Free Money, though ignored is the ongoing cost of inviting a permanent welfare settlement.

    We de-fund and eliminate HUD, and people have to actually WORK to pay for their housing once more. Working builds wealth. Wealth is a nation's strength.

    And frankly, its perfectly alright if the United States of America were to actually try to be the best again.

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    So You Know Whom They are

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jan 02, 2013 at 12:09:49 AM EST
    Tags: Fiscal Cliff, Debt Ceiling, Michigan, Congressmen, HR 8, Dan Benishek, Bill Huizenga, Dave Camp, Fred Upton, Congressman Tim Walberg, Mike Rogers, Candice Miller, Thaddeus McCotter (all tags)

    Once upon a time we had a wall of shame.

    We placed the names of those who supposedly stand for responsible government, and would have presumably known their power, upon these pages.  We pointed out how they buckled to the deceiver in the white house, and perpetuated the burden on our children ad finitum.  The faces and names have only been slightly changed,but here we go again, seeing the inability to recognize where the lines must be drawn. It was Congressman Dan Benishek, Congressman Bill Huizenga, Congressman Dave Camp, Congressman Fred Upton, Congressman Tim Walberg, Congressman Mike Rogers, Congresswoman Candice Miller, and the notorious Congressman Thaddeus McCotter who allowed the debt ceiling to increase.

    No line in the sand was drawn, no ultimatum, just a stupid deal that we have understood for the last several months to be a "fiscal cliff" of automatic cuts, punishments, reductions, tax increases, etc. The obvious toilet bowl baby of massive proportion, baked up by the usual suspects. And rubber stamped on the foreheads of the dummies who call themselves Republican from the list above.

    Redemption requires a real change of heart.  

    Amash played it right the first time.  He understood that the Marxists in the other chamber, and specifically the thug holding the executive office could not be trusted without limits being placed on them.  The debt, the spending, the taxation, and all the graft accompanying this most recent development changed nothing, but in fact buys the urn in which the ashes of our constitution will reside.  The good representative needs no remorse, for he has served his office well.

    He was joined in resisting the less than acceptable bludgeon to common sense and morality that Congress has dealt tonight.

    Justim Amash, Tim Walberg, and Bill Huizinga, were alone out of our Michigan contingent to vote against being steam rolled. They voted against a package that raises taxes, spends MORE and does NOTHING to solve the debt or the deficit that we will likely never see an end to; at least until the collapse of our currency. Walberg and Huizinga have recognized the stakes in allowing the future of our country to be defined by the other side.

    Dave Camp, Fred Upton, Candace Miller, and Dan Benishek? Just plain pathetic, weak, and merely useless.


    Perhaps deserving of another spot on the wall.

    Update [2013-1-2 6:42:10 by JGillman]: And how this one slipped I don't know. Mike Rogers as well. (Thanks C1)

    (44 comments) Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Nixon: 39 Years Later - $18 Billion Underwater

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue May 22, 2012 at 09:53:30 AM EST
    Tags: Richard Nixon, Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, Environment Protection Agency, Clean Air Act of 1970, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, National Environmental Policy Act, FEMA, WALL OF SHAME, Republicans, Debt Increases, Congress, Dan Benishek, Bill Huizenga, Dave Camp, Fred Upton, Tim Walberg, Mike Rogers, Candice Miller, Thaddeus McCotter (all tags)

    Candice got this one right.  Well, partially right, up until she decided it's smart to start blathering for a Federal catastrophic fund to 'fleece'  e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e  into gummint subsidy.

    Yessirree, it was Richard "I Never Met A Big Government Program That I Didn't Like" Nixon who mandated National Flood Insurance in 1973, further entangling folks to bureaucracy created floodplain schemes if you'd like a mortgage.

    So, who were the Michigan Republicans that kicked the fleecing can down the road?  Benishek, Camp, Huizenga, McCotter, Rogers, Upton, and Walberg voting in lockstep with nanny government entitlement Democrats Clarke, Conyers, Dingell, Kildee, Levin, and Peters.

    And they still get their nose all out of joint with wondering why they end up in places like here?  Go figure.

    Anywho, a 'shout out' thanks to Representative Amash, for the much appreciated consistency.  Candice, nice try, but thanks for your NO vote anyway.

    (5 comments) Comments >>

    Day 14 - And The Candidates Feel It

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Mar 14, 2012 at 04:14:48 PM EST
    Tags: Congressmen, Dan Benishek, Dave Camp, Scandals, Information (all tags)

    But no worries.  The troops are getting armed with counter propaganda.

    The fact that the MiGOP leadership is in full blown damage control was evident from the 15 minute visit by a credential's committee member on Monday.

    To allow the argument that the post election rules change was not really a change, the video stood alone and unchallenged by our pens in the presentation.  Of course what happens behind the scenes, and in other commentary is another matter entirely.  Grand Traverse County was not the only place to get the visit, and the point was to get out the counter message to the story we have been telling here.

    And it is working for some.  

    Honest, politically active women who were present for the explanation presented here took it to heart that no change was made.  And the damage control measures are working to some extent.  

    One particular event which demonstrated this was the visit by CD1 Dan Benishek, who came to Traverse City to officially announce his reelection, and introduce himself to the new section of the district that was expanded by the reapportionment.  During a question and answer, Dr. Dan was asked by one woman: "How do you expect us to support you during reelection with all the backhanded dealings in the Michigan Republican leadership?" (paraphrased slightly) The question stumped the esteemed congressman, who went silent and staring for a period until rescued by two of those politically active advocates, who essentially said that Sharon explained it all so its not really that way.

    And then the Q&A was over.

    A job well done ladies.  More below ~

    (3 comments, 777 words in story) Full Story

    Saul Really? On A Sunday? - Day 11

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Sun Mar 11, 2012 at 10:58:12 AM EST
    Tags: Dave Camp, Fred Upton, "Dele-Gate", Michigan, MiGOP, Saul Anuzis, Bobby Schostak, Fraud, DeleGATE, Stolen Elections, Rules, More Rules, Damned Rules, RNC, Memos, Internet is Forever, Romney, Santorum, Credentials Cheating, Stolen Votes (all tags)

    The Michigan GOP credentials committee met last night and shuffled the hours so that we would lose one today.

    They just don't know when to stop.

    Saul has his weekly "musings" propaganda letter out, and of course he feels the need to include further repudiation of the truth.  First he makes the point he is a family man with mouths to feed so we feel sorry for him if/when he gets his corrupt rear tossed from the party mechanism, then he goes into the Romney inevitability meme. THEN states the obvious and points out how dangerous Obama is, so we rally together with him, and finally drops the straw man "Operation hilarity" bomb:

    From Democrat/Liberal Activist Joe DiSano "Operation: Hilarity."

    The do-gooders and progressive purists will wring their hands at those among us who helped Rick Santorum win 7 of Michigan's 14 Congressional Districts. They will tell you our efforts were misguided and unproductive. Some will even say our efforts were unethical and an example of dirty politics. They may be right on that last point.

    Our efforts may have been dirty and unethical. I don't think so, but I suppose honest people can debate that. What is undeniable is the effectiveness of the efforts of progressives and Democrats to help deliver delegates to Santorum.

    Through our campaign of 80,000 robo-calls, 200,000 emails, several radio and TV appearances and countless print mentions leading up to primary day, a list of just under 14,000 Democrats pledged their support to Rick Santorum in the GOP primary.

    Look to the results in Michigan's sprawling 1st U.S. Congressional District. Santorum won the district by less than 1 percent or 790 votes. Our list of Democrats in the 1st U.S. Congressional District had 800 voters agreeing to support Santorum. Look at the 13th U.S. Congressional District, where Santorum won by a margin with 1,535 votes. Our robo-call program alone identified just fewer than 1,300 Democrats willing to hold their nose and vote for Santorum in the Wayne County-based 13th CD. That doesn't include people activated by our email blasts or media appearances.

    At the least, our efforts in Michigan moved the delegates from the 1st, 7th and 13th U.S. Congressional Districts to Santorum's column. We denied Romney the clean sweep he'd expected.


    The Dems I know voted both ways.  And as I pointed out previously, the Snyder win by actively pursuing Democrats and independents in the 2010 Republican gubernatorial primary only got a "stfu," and "you don't know what you are talking about." and "It didn't happen.", by the same folks who now cry foul. And frankly, most of the presumed crossover Dems FEAR Santorum far more than Romney on two levels; Ability to beat Obama, and Governance.  

    They won't take that chance. No Freaking Way. More below ~

    (7 comments, 855 words in story) Full Story

    Fun With Dave And Sandy

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Dec 13, 2011 at 02:52:25 PM EST
    Tags: Dave Camp, Sander Levin, Congress, Debt, Tie Fight, Ways and Means (all tags)

    The pressure is on, and the expected deadlock in congress between insane progressives and insane progressive wannabes has them slapping each other with their neckties.

    Dave Camp as part of the Super Committee was set up to fail, and he should have known it.  The debt ceiling being allowed to raise only a part of his problem, the honorable Mr. Camp must face down the bullies in the room as an after effect.  Sander Levin and Dave Camp had a peanut butter on my chocolate moment recently.

    Camp's point drew the ire of the usually mild-mannered Levin. He grabbed the microphone in front of him and turned to his colleague.

    "We can argue ... I'll take back my time," Levin snapped, rapping his hand on the table.

    "Your policies certainly haven't worked very well," retorted Camp.

    "Let's not argue about the policies because I think you're wrong!" snorted Levin.

    "It's a fact!" parried Camp, his voice rising over Levin's. "You promised a 6 percent unemployment rate!"

    At that, Levin slapped the table twice and turned toward Camp.

    "Focus on the unemployed in the state of Michigan!" admonished Levin.

    "I am focused!" Camp replied.

    "You're not!" disputed Levin.

    "Had we not passed the stimulus bill, we'd be better off," Camp pronounced.

    The men stared daggers at one another briefly.

    Then they kissed and made up.

    Read more: http://politics.blogs.foxnews.com/2011/12/13/congress-and-bad-case-deadline-itis#ixzz1gRZa1yzx

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    No Sleep Button

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Sat Nov 12, 2011 at 01:00:50 PM EST
    Tags: Congress, Michigan, Business, Super Committee, Dave Camp, Fred Upton, Taxes, Debt, Bureaucracy (all tags)

    You cannot shut this off.

    Hi Dave, Hi Fred, Have you recognized yet, that you have an impossible task?  Have you noticed that "increasing revenues" seems to be impossible? Does it seem hopeless?

    It ought to.

    Obviously, as two of six members tasked with the overwhelming task of reigning in an upwardly spiraling debt situation, you hold a great deal of responsibility.  And with only 11 days till the collapse of your hopes to accomplish this without crushing business, and raising taxes on those making over a dollar a year, the realization that there is nothing of which you are aware that will solve this problem, must keep you awake at night.

    Therein lays the problem.

    You both don't know, because you have failed to listen in the last couple of years, as the good folks who have marched, protested, changed the face of the congress you occupy, have told you how.  It is not a part of your understanding.  were you asleep?  You didn't listen to those folks in 2008 when you had an opportunity to say no to the use of taxpayer funds to prop up businesses that needed to fail.  You didn't listen to good Republicans who now mourn the loss of moral authority with regard to improper payoffs to corporate supporters and masters, which BTW has given the current president cover for his own abuse of our treasury.

    And you didn't listen when the majority of the country once again said "NO!" to raising the debt ceiling once again in a way that serves only to feed the beast which will ultimately consume us.

    ~ Below for more ~

    (6 comments, 1543 words in story) Full Story

    Upton & Camp Ready For This?

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Sun Nov 06, 2011 at 12:04:35 AM EST
    Tags: Carried Interest, Michigan Congressmen, Super Committee, Dave Camp, Fred Upton, Real Estate (all tags)

    One of the tax increases that Obama is trying to push through as part of his 'jobs plan' is to tax the shares of profits earned by managers of successful investment funds - called "carried interest" - as income rather than capital gains.  As his attempt to force the plan through the standard Congressional process has crashed and burned, its looking like the proposal will likely come before the 12-member debt reduction super committee.

    NH Journal sums up why this is ridiculous here:

    There is a clear reason for this, as carried interest differs substantially from a traditional salary. Under most agreements, the manager of the investment partnership receives no carried interest if the endeavor fails. The manager is also on the hook for returning the principal from the partners, regardless of his performance. Most workers in our economy do not have to return a significant portion of their salary if they do not accomplish what their colleagues and supervisors expect of them.

    Now, considering Reps. Upton and Camp having seats on the super committee, well.. below ~

    (2 comments, 478 words in story) Full Story

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