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    Tag: Cronyism (page 5)

    Michigan Cronyism Still Harming Small Farms

    By JGillman, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Sun Jan 06, 2013 at 12:08:37 AM EST
    Tags: Agenda 21, Cronyism, Michigan, Swine, Stokes, Snyder, Criminal, Declatroy Rulings, Pigs, Feral Government, Abuses, Abusive Government, Mark Baker, Veteran, Americas Son, Industrial Food Complex (all tags)

    Mark Baker sums it up.

    As a part of the process (ginned up by the big farming interests) Michigan government has used to take out the small farmer who cannot pay the protection money politicians require, the end is nigh. This particular issue is a tragedy, but not at all surprising as Agenda 21 sets in, and favored producers are enriched as a result.

    Its a shame it is closing on a Republican watch.


    Bakers Green Acres
    1579 W Brinks Rd  McBain, MI 49657

    Bakers is fighting OUR fight out there folks.

    Give him a look at his site.  A paypal donation can be made here.  Don't let him quit.

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    Declare It DOA

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Nov 14, 2012 at 08:50:12 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Health Care Exchange, Cronyism, Snyder's Friends, Tyranny, Unconstitutional, Weak Weak Weak Lawmakers, Tyrants, Chains, Slavery (all tags)

    If the Snyder administration wishes to provide the BEST options for Michigan taxpayers and citizens, it should ask the legislature to defy the feds under the 10th amendment.

    "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

    Some lawmakers may not understand the power they wield. :
    "I'm very pleased that we are continuing to have an ongoing discussion," said Haines, the chair of the House Health Policy Committee. "It has been very difficult. I don't think it's anybody's fault in Michigan. It's been very difficult to get answers out of Washington."

    Details, including the requirements and the costs to taxpayers, need to be worked out, she said. Still, Haines said she was leaning toward a state-run exchange.

    "We have until Friday," she said. "I've been here all day making phone calls and talking to people. We're all committed to doing what's best for Michigan."

    Then do what is best, and tell the feds to take their mandate and send it back to Europe where it has provided inadequate health options for decades.

    There is no authority given by the constitution to the federal government to force citizens to purchase a product.

    Any product.


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    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Crony Capitalism

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Oct 19, 2012 at 10:23:22 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Cronyism, LG CHEM, Taxpayer Abuse, Jobs, Card Playing, Economic Development (all tags)

    Its one of those emerging truisms; Government ought not be involved, interfere, or invest in business.

    It never seems to end well.

    LG Chem which promised 300 jobs, received a $150,000,000.00 Fed grant, $7,000,000. more in fed paid training and $700k in health coverage, has bored employees.  The employees, which might have been present at the federally funded $500,000.00 groundbreaking with special guest Barack Obama might need to hang around a little longer so that Michigan can cough up its promise of $125,000,000.00 in credits as well.

    A little report worth watching.

    A year from now this plant will be empty.

    Just watch.

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    So The People Will Indeed - BREAKING

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Sep 05, 2012 at 04:13:13 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Snyder, Transparency, Cronyism, Hand In The Cookie Jar, Bridges to Nowheresville, This Place Is A DRIC-Sty!, LIke A DRIC Over Troubled Waters, Weasel Politics (all tags)

    None other than Ed Arditti breaking the news that the "People Will Decide" ballot initiative WILL appear on Michigan ballots in November.

    "No motion for rehearing will be entertained"

    Oh my, doesn't THAT put a kink in the nerds plans.

    Plans? What plans? There aren't any steenkin plans! er.. at least that we will be able to discover.

    (4 comments) Comments >>

    BREAKING - Dazzo Resigns

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Aug 15, 2012 at 05:00:28 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Bureaucratic Tool, Olga Dazzo, SEIU, Follow The Money, Labor, Bought and Paid For, Cronyism, MDCH (all tags)

    Don't let the door hit you on the way out Olga.

    Buh-bye now.

    This state has had its share of pitiful directors and leftover meat puppets from prior administrations.  Though selected by the incoming Snyder administration, Dazzo was clearly designed to fit in with them.  I had written before:

    "In January of 2011, Maura Corrigan, former Michigan Supreme Court Justice, and the newly installed DHS director, rightly declared the child care workers were NOT employees of the state, ending their nightmare, but the Director of the Department of Community Health Olga Dazzo had no such plans.  This required further legislative action to clarify the status of the contractors."
    And the legislation came, then so did the lawsuit holding up an end to the THEFT that COULD have been avoided if Dazzo had been paying attention, or if she had actually given a rats @$$.

    Of course Snyder could have done more as well, but at least Maura had the sense of what is proper, and didn't need the prod that would never be forthcoming from our falling over left get-along RINO chief executive.  Now Olga is leaving:

    "LANSING, Mich. - Gov. Rick Snyder today accepted the resignation of Department of Community Health Director Olga Dazzo, who has decided to return to the private sector. The governor named former Director James K. Haveman, Jr. to lead the agency. Dazzo was appointed by Snyder in December 2010.   "
    Hast la Pasta. Ciao. Say "Yanara"  ..

    I doubt we've seen the last of her though.  It wouldn't surprise me if in her future "private sector" endeavors, she doesn't wind up financially interested in some health care exchange contracts.

    Nah..  THAT never happens.

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