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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Culture of Coruuption in Kalkaska alive and well...

    By retvet242, Section News
    Posted on Fri Aug 09, 2013 at 08:21:49 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Corruption, Kalkaska, Sheriff, Perks (all tags)

    I'm tired of this...time to up the stakes...

    Just sent this to the editor of our County rag...

    To the Editor...

        Picked up a copy of your "news"paper yesterday to see if there was any reporting of the Sheriff Israel's son Frank getting off on his drunken rollover accident back on April 25th...What I found instead was a front page article on the Rhonda Mitchell/Grayling golf team crash, complete with color photos...Evidently, a medical marijuana patient, driving under the influence is news; but the Sheriff's son (a minor) doing the same thing is not...

        Frank Israel is in fact a danger to the community, as was Mitchell at the time of her accident, so explain to us the difference...Mitchell is front page news, and Frank Israel's case was intentionally hidden from the public view, up to and including the statement from the court clerk directing us to the wrong courthouse for Frank's sentencing...

        If you are going to call yourself a newspaper, and the "Leader", then do us all a favor and report news...and LEAD...

    Tom Backers

    < Thursdays Divertere: Detroit's EM is a Lifetime Position | Dave's Not Here >

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    Oh, you've got a lot to learn about the media. (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Fri Aug 09, 2013 at 09:32:53 AM EST
    The media isn't really in the business of informing its readers any longer.

    At least not in everything important that goes on.

    Just what THEY feel is important to pass along.

    Well-connected officials and their family members are off-limits to any negative stories provided they are a.) in the good graces of the Editor or b.) the Editor is scared you-know-whatless at the prospect of retribution by said elected official.

    Well,... (none / 0) (#2)
    by Corinthian Scales on Fri Aug 09, 2013 at 12:07:31 PM EST
    It looks to me like the "news" paper's staff like to not be screwed with by the public sector goonized LEO's of Kalkaska.

    Face the facts, Mr. Backers.  If you ain't cop, you're little people.  And, their corrupt politicians who select them make gottdam sure the peons fully understand that.

    However, I sure do appreciate you speaking up on this, Mr. Backers.  Not enough folks have the stones to say it the way it is about those of the room temperature IQ.

    Choose wisely next election.

    This state doesn't need another Bouchard, Stupak, or Matt Lori in the making.

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