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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Backpattery & Bloviating

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Oct 01, 2013 at 12:23:12 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Rick Snyder, Poison, 47th, Business, Forbes, Responsible Leadership, Self Righteous, Bloviating, Greg McNeilly, Tax Increases, Welfare Expansion, DRIC, Failure Fund (all tags)

    Team Snyder doesn't give two whits about the constitution, perspective of GOP objectives, or the platform of the party.

    What an incredible opportunity this 'shutdown' offers us, yet all that they can come up with is self congratulatory political 'twerking'. Rather than applaud a stand for what most republicans profess as their principles, the nerd sycophant unit offers underhanded criticism to the one thing that is going as it should.  Greg McNeilly self proclaimed 'decider' of whom might be an "invasive species", or "Malcontent, magpie", et.. Falls short of identifying the Obama/Reid cabal which has in fact been solely responsible for the shutdown in DC:

    "There could not be a stronger contrast between the actions of Gov. Snyder and the House and Senate Republicans and the irresponsibility of Washington, D.C. politicians.  Michigan's responsible leaders balanced the budget months ahead of schedule, put money aside for a rainy day and still ended up with a surplus.

    "Gov. Snyder and our leadership in the Legislature have done a tremendous job building a solid foundation for Michigan's economic recovery.  As the state continues to grow, we will count on them to continue the smart, fiscally sound policies that have brought Michigan back."

    This from a press release about an hour ago.

    Gosh Greggie, we are so impressed! And NOBODY not everybody had to pay higher taxes for it! Michigan should be PROUD to have the 47th best climate for business in the country! By Obama's accounting that means we are better than 11 others, but for normal folks a modest 3 is good enough though, right?  What happens I wonder to the wonderful Medicaid/welfare expansion that will not be funded if the GOP is successful in holding the line?  Will the governor be able to pull back enough to get maybe 48th?

    Real leadership like this deserves an award.

    Will a burning paper bag with mystery contents (hint .. you might want to use an old shoe to stomp it out.) outside the front door be sufficient?

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