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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Significant Endorsement in This Weekend's Judicial Race

    By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
    Posted on Wed Sep 05, 2012 at 01:12:40 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan Republican Party, MIGOP State Convention 7-8 September 2012, Grand Rapids, Michigan Supreme Court, Jane Markey, Dave Agema, Michigan's Republican National Committeeman (all tags)

    If you didn't happen to be at the Michigan Republican State Convention in Detroit back in May, I'm sure that you still probably heard the account of the "Showdown In Motown" where various liberty-oriented types gathered together to send a message to the MIGOP party elites.  The message, that we are sick and damned tired of their crap, was sent loud and clear in the blowout victory of Dave Agema ousting Saul Anuzis as Michigan's Republican National Committeeman.  Agema's choice for the vacancy nomination to the Michigan Supreme Court has been known for awhile, but the press release didn't get put out until two days ago.  I thought you'd like to read it.

    Quoting the press release in its entirety:


    Republican National Committeeman, Rep. David Agema endorses Appeals Court Judge Jane Markey for Michigan Supreme Court

    Rep. David Agema, who defeated long-time Republican National Committeeman Saul Anuzis in a stunning 70% / 30% victory last May at the party's convention, has announced his choice for the top-of-the ticket state level race for open seat on the Michigan Supreme Court:  Court of Appeals Judge Jane Markey, an 18 year veteran of the state's 2nd highest court.

    Agema, known and respected for his integrity and ethics, is a former fighter pilot.  He became the stalwart champion of Michigan's grassroots conservatives hoping to help set Michigan and our country back on track, but also resonates with core Republican principles.  Markey enjoys much of the same support that catapulted Agema to victory.

    In announcing his decision, Agema explained, "Jane Markey, a very experienced judge, and I, a legislator, clearly share a conservative political vision and recognize the importance of having judges who follow both Constitutional and Statutory law.  Jane does just that and has for her entire 22 years on the District and Appeals court benches.  That's what we all should be looking for in our judges; that's why she is so respected statewide.

    The decision to endorse her was easy.  From her judicial colleagues to the many people who have known and worked with her in the community, all speak of her sharp intellect, pleasant personality, and ability to get along with others -- a great choice for Justice and Michigan."

    In case you're curious as to whom Saul Anuzis endorsed, follow this link.

    < Upon Further Review: More Problems for Markey | Stupid Is As Stupak Does >

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    Re: Anuzis (none / 0) (#1)
    by JGillman on Wed Sep 05, 2012 at 06:49:26 AM EST
    One could say "Even a stopped clock is right twice a day"

    This is neither an endorsement nor criticism of either Markey or O'Brien.

    In fact I have FP'd both articles for 'balance'

    I stand with Dave, and Jane (none / 0) (#2)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed Sep 05, 2012 at 08:47:54 AM EST

    That is a nice endorsement to have, but... (none / 0) (#3)
    by PTurner on Wed Sep 05, 2012 at 06:42:46 PM EST
    when you look at all of the people who have endorsed O'Brien on the webpage linked to in the article itself (tea party and establishment, judicial and non-judicial, politicians and everyday GOP-ers, etc.), I am not really all that impressed.  I couldn't even find a list of endorsements on Markey's webpage... can one endorsement be significant enough to give Markey enough momentum heading into the convention that she wins?  I think Markey will have some significant support because she has hustled both this year and in 2010 (the vote that year as against now-Justice Kelly was pretty close), but color me dubious that one endorsement late in the game will really be a game-changer...

    Ah yes, Lisa Gorcyca (none / 0) (#4)
    by Corinthian Scales on Thu Sep 06, 2012 at 01:25:30 PM EST
    Impressive, indeed.  Actually, some very eye raising O'Brien endorsers on that forced in appearance list, but Judge Lisa, really stands out the most.

    Well, unless one is comfortable with such fine endorsements as Judge Lisa's, whose now officially reprimanded husband (with blood on his hands), who once ran his Oakland Co prosecutorial office with such lucid ethical standards as "Little House on the Prairie" constituting "non-erotic pornography" for his societal witch-hunts.

    Then again, after witnessing the many bizarre-o-land attacks originating from Oakland Co on CD-11 Republican candidate Kerry Bentivolio, one cannot ignore another famous Gorcyca family quotable.

    "I would place Jack Kevorkian's candidacy in the same ranking with (Texas U.S. Rep.) Ron Paul's (presidential run)," Gorcyca said.

    I'm not totally onboard with the whole Ronulan thing (foreign policy needs to butch up), but that's just what Michigan needs; opinions from a guy now equating millions of tax dollars pissed away on failed conviction attempts and stalling for legislation to be created to finally nail Jack for end of life choices to be dictated by bureaucrats to the only elected official that has spent most of life's effort to get government bureaucracy out of everyone's life.

    Sorry O'Brien, but that is your people talking to me.

    And, while I still have the choice available to me, one that is to choose between one of O'Brien's peeps that'll figuratively yell 'Goodnight John Boy' for his procreation only climax, or that of those that place those kinds of government bureaucrats in check: I'll gladly choose the Liberty lovers every day of the week.

    Why hell, even 'ol Victor Cassis (Nutty Nancy's hubby) is an endorser.

    The rest of the O'Brien list reads like the who's who of crony capitalism DRICite promoters trampling on The Peoples voice with their unwarranted, goonion labor payola, NAFTA boondoggle that'll just bury this bankrupt nation further into debt to the ChiComs.

    I find it more than interesting that nobody in the House, or the Senate, who the Governerd shat upon, has yet called for both the Governerd, and his appointed Colleen Pero, to be grilled under sworn Oath as to exactly what games were played on the Board of Canvassers, that only led us to another gross waste of our tax dollars being funneled into .. more legalese merchants pockets clogging up our "boni judicis est ampliare juris-dictionem" system.

    Doh!  What's this I see on the O'Brien endorsement list?

    Statewide Leadership

    Dan Pero, Former Chief Of Staff To Gov. John (DRICite) Engler

    Mr. Pero, you can thank your lucky stars that I'm not State Senate Majority Leader, nor House Speaker, because you can guarantee that your wife, along with the Nerd, would be hauled in for questioning.  I am loyal to Conservative Principle, not some BS party label.  The R vs D died long ago.  Folks will eventually wrap their mind around that fact one day with the more informed they become thanks to the instant, vast information flow of the internet.  Thanks, Al Gore! </snark off>

    Ah, then we have the L. Brooks DIA Tax & DRICite Patterson, pushing O'Brien too.  And, how nice of the Oakland Co prosecutors office to maintain the same ethical standards of Gorcyca's with railroading a driver who accidentally turned in front of their speeding King Brooksie, who likes to wear his seat belt behind his seat to fool lowly patrol LEO's while his retired Click It or Ticket writer also employed as Oakland Co's Risk Assessment investigator (EPIC FAIL) wasn't wearing his seat belt either.  

    Wait a minute...

    By golly, if one had the brain power, well, more than that of a fresh cow pie, one could even draw conclusions that the DRICite circle of incremental globalist power are in fact buying themselves a SCOMI opinion for that lengthy court battle that undoubtedly will happen, couldn't one?

    Not sayin', just sayin'.

    My position of support for Jane Markey, remains the same, if not strengthened by taking a look over of the O'Brien peeps.

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