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Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?
Raise the curtain.
Thursdays Divertere: Bill, Just Keeping It Real For You
By Corinthian Scales, Section News
Posted on Thu Jul 05, 2012 at 11:36:45 AM EST
Tags: L'Ordine Nuovo, Antonio Gramsci, New Left, Dumbed Down Church Pansies, Morals of Obama, Pelosi, Biden, SCoaMF, so FLIP-FLOPPING WILLARD is chose instead?, Seamus, Log Cabin Republicans Payola, RomneyCare, $50 Abortion Co-pay, HillaryCare Approved, Ted Kennedy Endorsed, Planned Parenthood Endorsed, Taxed in MA for being just alive under RomneyBama Healthcare, Norman Dodd, Reece Committee, Tax-Exempt Foundations, UNESCO, DNC, RNC, Oligarchy Collective (all tags)
Gramsci is smiling. See context of C-5, and all of E and F.
This is also where blogger Jen derails her street creds too.
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