Molded Foam, LLC, a manufacturer of foam seating and cushioning materials, announced today that it will acquire a Holland, Mich. firm and relocate its operations to Indiana, creating up to 45 new jobs by 2014.
The company, which provides polyurethane foam cushioning to customers in the defense, medical, office-furniture and transportation industries, among others, plans to invest more than $3.8 million to purchase and equip additional space to house the new operations which will include a new molded production line.
"We take this relocation project as an encouraging sign that we're taking the right steps to make Indiana the most attractive place to run a business," said Mitch Roob, Secretary of Commerce and chief executive officer of the Indiana Economic Development Corporation. "Job growth is great news for any community, but it's especially gratifying when new investment happens in a smaller community like Bristol."
Molded Foam, LLC, plans to begin hiring additional manufacturing and supervisory associates early this summer as the new production line becomes operational.