"Effective immediately, I have resigned from the Moran for Congress campaign," Patrick Moran said in a statement to TPM sent from his campaign email address. http://bitly.com/QYwF22
Watch our Project Veritas reporter being educated on how to properly commit massive voter fraud by the son of a sitting US Congressman. Patrick Moran, son of Congressman James Moran, discusses forging utility bills and impersonating pollsters, all for the goal of circumventing voter ID laws in Virginia and casting ballots for unsuspecting inactive voters within the state for Barack Obama. Patrick Moran holds the salaried title of Field Director for his father's congressional campaign, and assures our reporter that "committee" lawyers will defend his fraud if the forged documents "look good".
From July 3, 2012:
Senate Bill 754, sponsored by Mark Jansen, sought training for people, companies and organizations participating in voter registration. While Snyder supports the concept of training individuals involved in voter registration, he said changes with the registration of third party voter registration organizations, and the timing and training of those entities, may cause confusion with ongoing voter registration efforts.
H.B. 5061 and S.B. 803, sponsored by state Rep. Brad Jacobsen and state Sen. Darwin Booher, aimed to prevent voting fraud by requiring a voter to reaffirm U.S. citizenship before receiving a ballot and requiring photo ID when picking up an absentee ballot from a city office. Snyder said he appreciates the issue of ensuring voters are eligible and U.S. citizens, however this legislation could create voter confusion among absentee voters. http://www.michigan.gov/snyder/0,4668,7-277-57577_57657-281734--,00.html