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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    A Good .. man?

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Sep 06, 2011 at 10:01:42 AM EST
    Tags: Rep. Camp, Rep. Upton, Centrists, Pale Pastels, Primary Challenges, Kowtowing to barking Moonbats will do it, RMSP, Where's Waldo? (all tags)

    Happen to notice in the Downriver fish wrap that one of the Dearbornistan barking Moonbats that prides himself dabbling in the press has now focused his Wayne County melodrama Center-Left rhetoric on two of RightMichigan.com's Wall Of Shame members, Rep. Camp, and Rep. Upton.

    You two western Michi­gan Republican congressmen have a unique opportunity to show the country and the world that Michigan produces the best in political leaders who can rise above petty partisanship and put the real interests of the American people first.

    They already tried that voting like a Democrat thing.  Look to the wall on the left.

    Your joint appointment to the "super committee" created as part of the debt-ceiling deficit-reduction package passed into law Aug. 2 gives you the power to fundamentally change the financial direction of our nation. You both can vote for revenue increases and limits on Medicare and Social Security with virtual impunity.

    You both know as longtime incumbents from strongly Republican-leaning districts (made even more Republican due to the 2010 census state legislative redistricting plan), there is no way that you can lose your seat in November 2012.

    Didja catch that?  What this moonbat fails to tell the good Reps on the western side of the state is that those districts are indeed more Republican now, and that their Centrist namby-pamby Pale Pastel could end up stunting their political careers.

    Yes, you both signed the Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform, pledge to not raise taxes. So what? Both of you are assuredly protected from any election reprisal if you agree to some increase in taxes, if only from tax reform, in return for a much larger decrease in spending.

    Care to really try that "raising taxes" on your constituency, Reps Camp and Upton?  {sniff .. sniff}  I smell a Primary challenge in the making.

    Slither back under the rock you came from in Dearbornistan, Morris.  Nobody in this state is interested in your bipartisan Democratic Party failings anymore.

    A little challenge, anyone?

    First go here.  Then click on any of the Republican Main Street Partnership links within the topic.

    Go ahead, do it...

    You see what?

    Ya... Poof!  PFM!  Rep. Uptons' Centrist RINO club is magically gone from the net.

    Seems those 1994 Pale Pastels just don't really cut it anymore...

    < Do you really want to fix Detroit's Public Schools? | Tuesdays Divertere: Are You A Flake? >

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    I'd like to point out . . . (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Wed Sep 07, 2011 at 04:08:08 PM EST
    . . . that I've suggested elsewhere in commentary that the three current Michigan members of the RMSP need to be targeted for primary ouster next year.

    I'd also like to point out that one now-former member of this group, one Vernon J. Ehlers, was going to face a primary challenge last year, but instead opted for retirement the day after that challenger went on-the-record.  Based on Mr. Ehlers being well aware in detail of how hard the Tea Party of West Michigan was going to be gunning for his ouster, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if that "retirement" was a way of conveniently avoiding the disgrace inflicted upon the other now-former Michigan-based member of this group, one Dr. John J.H. Schwarz, by Timothy L. Walberg back in 2006.

    I'm not aware of any actual primary challengers lined up against Camp, McCotter, or Upton, but if any do surface, then such challengers ought to be backed by every penny we can scrounge up.  Known socialist-progressives (regardless of what they choose to call themselves) have no legitimate place as elected officials representing the Republican Party . . . period.

    LOL! They finally paid their domain bill (none / 0) (#2)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed Sep 07, 2011 at 05:10:26 PM EST
    Nah, the RINO's aren't watching this site.


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